Vancouver said:
I feel like such a sucker. I have upgraded my system a few times now, and each time I do it I get a stronger urge to upgrade another part. If it’s not speakers, then it a new processor, dvd player, going from a receiver to separates etc. I do have a picture of what I eventually want, but want it so much that I am barely happy with what I have. I spend more time listening and watching for flaws, then I do enjoying the performance of what I have.
Is this normal?
Oh, it is normal alright...for an Audioholic!
Signs you are an Audioholic
1) Your wife comes in the room in a negligee and you ask her to get out of the way of the TV...but if you hear a hum in your three seconds flat you've got your entire system rewired, every tool in your workshop in the living room, tech support on both your land line and cell, and you're posting on Audioholics.
2) You’ve programmed your remote to operate every appliance in your home. (Bonus points if you can drive your car and/or do your job with it as well)
3) The highly pierced “experts” at the local big box store know you by name and have lists of questions for you every time you come in. (Bonus points if they have your home number)
4) None of your friends will talk to you about speakers anymore.
5) You wear two handmade bracelets made out of Monster interconnects that you refuse to use on "principle" inscribed with WWGD and WWCD (What Would Gene/Clint Do).
6) Your wife has to hide money from you….for food.
7) You want to get a tube amp just so you can cook in the living room – more time with the system. (Bonus points if you use them for night lights)
8) When a surveyor calls and asks you what you think the most pressing problem facing the nation is, you say, “Chicklet distribution equity.”
9) When someone mentions you by name in a thread, you feel compelled to come up with something witty to say. (Bonus points if you give them a chicklet for doing so)
10) You ask your friends and family to refer to you by your screen name. (Bonus points if you legally change it)