
This is for a home theater setup in a family room. Room is 2000 cu ft with one end open onto stairwell. For a variety of reasons am strongly considering using Mirage OMD-5's in a 7.1 setup (ceiling/ wall mounted). Receiver is Pioneer Elite VSX-33. Looking for sub under 500 that will work well with the OMD-5's

Emotiva Ultra 12
Outlaw LFM-1 Plus
Outlaw LFM-1 Compact

Leaning to the Ultra 12 as it is relatively compact so should have better (WAF)

Other subs to consider? Thoughts on the OMD-5's?


Audioholic Jedi
Any of those would be good choices. I'd add the Epik Legend to your list. It will have more output than any of those and is also $500. Not compact though...

Also the SVS PB-10 and PB-12 are excellent subs in the price range as well.


It looks like the svs-pb10 is discontinued and pb-12 won't be available for some time.


Audioholic Jedi
It looks like the svs-pb10 is discontinued and pb-12 won't be available for some time.

Svs was acquired by another company, so there are changes going on. The pb10 was discontinued a while back, but they were still selling them off. Sorry.


Audioholic Ninja
The Ultra 12 lacks substantial output below 30hz which would make me rule it out for home theater. You just missed the Outlaw sale which ended yesterday but I would probably go with a 12" Outlaw or Hsu and tune it low. But I like deep bass for movies.


Senior Audioholic
Subs and More Subs

Am also looking at either one or two subs for our Smaller HT room around 2,000 ft^3.

Am looking at the:

BICAmerica Acoustech Platinum Series PL-200 - MSRP = $629
(Probably can buy for $329 at SoundDistributors)

BICAmerica Acoustech H100 - MSRP = $499
(Probably can buy for $220 at Overstock.com)

EMOTIVA Ultra12 - at $429 at Emotiva.com

Driving it with a Denon AVR-3311CI, and five Infinity speakers in a 5.1 config.

Mostly watch HDTV and MOVIES in smaller room --

I could buy Two H100's for the price of one Emotiva Ultra 12 --

What would you guys recommend?


Audioholic Overlord
The Mirage may work for surrounds, but you don't want them doing front duty if you can avoid it. If tower speakers won't work take a look at in-wall options.


Senior Audioholic
BIC vs. Emotiva Subwoofers - 12"

Looks like the BIC H100 is Out of the loop for me since it only will produce 90db @ 30Hz. for sensitivity, but the BIC America Platinum PL200 and Emotiva Ultra 12 will yield around 110db or better!

The BIC Acoustech Platinum PL200 weighs in at 52#'s, and is 4961 in^3.
The EMO Ultra12 weighs in at 38#'s, and is 3206 in^3. Very Interesting.

The BIC Acoustech Platinum PL200 has a BASH Amplifier, that supports 1000 Watts of Dynamic Peak Output Power. Where the Ultra 12 only is 1/2 of that at 500W Peak.

Cost per Pwr RMS Watt is 1.316 $/W for the PL200
and is 1.43 $/W for the Ultra 12.

MSRP for the PL200 is $629 (can buy at $329), and the Ultra 12 = $499 (can buy at $429).

The Ultra 12 did get an excellent review on Audioholics for sure, but I would think the Ultra 12 should sale for right around $349-$379 to be more competitive with other Mfg's. subwoofer models. Sure would of liked Audioholics to have done a comparison of subs (12") that one can buy for less than $500 each.

So it seems to me -- from an Engr. perspective solely, since No Audition has been done yet.

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