This high current thing still seem unclear, what exactly is high, higher than what?
If an amp can double the power into a 4 ohm load, it will deliver twice the current that it will deliver into an 8 ohm load. Is a 4 ohm capable amp high current? None of the current model HK receivers are rated for 4 ohms. S&V tested one (330 if I remember correctly) on 4 ohm multi-channel and it shutdown when asked to put out 25 WPC or somethin like that. It seems to me HK's high current claim is based on its ability to deliver something like 25 to 75 amps instantaneously, i.e. for a very short duration. If that is the case, others such as Denon and Yamaha can claim the same. If not, then I still don't know what they mean, may be HK can tell us. They are generally heavier, so their power supply may be relatively more robust, but their lower model such as the 140,240,340 are not that heavy, yet specified high current just the same.