Thank you so much. I’ve been told by a few folks that I should have gotten at least a 140-150 watt receiver. My Onkyo is 100 watts. Would a 140-150 watt receiver create a dramatic improvement in sound and output? I’m unsure if my question is phrased properly.
The main situation that you’d notice a difference in power is at higher playback levels. You may notice distortion, or some type of compression, where turning it up just doesn’t produce any more volume, and the sound might be constrained etc.
As far as “sound quality”, the differences would be mainly due to whichever room correction you use. Audyssey, Dirac, ypao etc, all do their thing a little differently, and ymmv.
Basically imo, you’ll know when it’s time. Using a discerning ear and thinking logically should guide you through any upgrade path.