Where's the Earthquake Amp fire thread?



Audioholic Samurai
smokey007 said:
i just went to link posted. Well all i know is when you buy second hand you take a chance. might work like a dream tell the day you get rid of it. On the other hand it might blow up. But why should anybody be at fault. except yourself. If it were purchased new there would have been no issue with it being fixed or replaced.
more likely than not if this yoyo had of been honest with EQ right from the start they woulda ended up taking care of his amp for him & the issue of used or warranty woulda never came into play.

ive found out over the years that manufacturers who sell the higher priced gear will allmost always bend over basakwards to ensure customer satisfaction no matter how the gear was acquired or what went wrong with it.

im not familuar with the support staff at EQ but i am at krell & mcintosh where both manufacturers have went way out of their way to make sure people are happy (me) even if they buy their gear used & out of warranty, from what ive seen durring this whole fiasco it looks like EQ shares the same service values.

people shouldnt be afraid to buy these types of gear used,if they have an issue with the used gear just be honest with the service people right from the start & as long as it wasn't shipping damage or user damage 99% of the time the unit gets repaired for free.


Full Audioholic
HighFiHoney, I'm Coming Over

I hope you live close to Utah, 'cause I am coming over. That is a sweet looking setup. I'll bring some cookies and Floyd.


mulester7 said:
.....that comment is grade school compared with what this guy can come up with, HiFi, trust me, he's a piece of work....from comments I've heard, I'd bet my last dollar the amp NEVER caught on fire....mine should have BLOWN UP with what I put it through one day.....
I agree 100% with the Mule, that cat kept saying he was going to post pictures of the "fire" damage and they never showed up. bet they never will, now that his amp is repaired. that dude's just going to vanish into cyber space.
But you have to give him credit, the ultimate snake oil for modding amps "DUSTING"
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Full Audioholic
Why was this thread pulled. It appears there's more to the story. I believe EQ had given information that was false about the amp being modded or shipped over seas as there never had been any proof as Earthquake never saw the amp in question. Also I found a thread where someone emailed Earthquake regarding the situation and had been treated quite rudely even though he'd be polite to them. I'd like to learn more about this company before I recommend them to people again. After doing some research I'm somewhat apprehensive and don't know what the truth is. Thank You


I read the Audio Circle thread on this. He claims he did not mod the amp, but had the cover off (To clean out dust I guess?)

He politely answered a number of questions clarifying some things.

He did post some pictures of obviously distressed caps.

Another poster claimed he had the same issue (with flames and everything.)

Its not clear to me that he's lying from everything I read. People on forums are quick to call people liars and make personal attacks.

Maybe AH did have a reason to pull the thread, but I will personally hold off on calling the person a liar with the information I currently have.


Full Audioholic
I agree as that's the impression I got too. He did post the pictures of the blown capacitors. He probably was telling the truth as caps exploding is very possible in the power supply.

I've heard of a number of Audio Research amps catching fire also. A cap can go at any time in anything, although it's highly unlikely it does happen. Freaking out about it is another matter. How Cinenova is at customer service though may vary as some people cannot hide their moods as well as others.

I have just been curious as to what became of that incident. I own a Cinenova amp and have no intention of selling it. I've never seen anything else about Cinenova's customer service and that is something I consider important. With the killer reviews they get they've had to have sold alot of them and I'd think if their customer service was truly bad it would be known.

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