Here's the deal, I was having the conversation with the girl about how I thought it was ridiculous that our cable bill was roughly 1/3 of our car payment. Our credit card bills are going up instead of down. She mentioned how loosing the internet would be a fine place to start trimming the budget. The DVR is a sacred function of General Hospital viewing.
This wasn't the first time that she had suggested such an action. So I did it for reasons already mentioned. She was a little freaked out at first and cried that she couldn't balance her checkbook blah, blah, blah.
Nobody spends $45/month to balance their checkbook.
I gathered up the credit cards and made them off limits.
So all is good. Things are getting done at home. Spending has become a cash based activity. Last night I was given this Belkin Wireless G toy and it worked. I don't know where the signal comes from or how this works (I live in a condo) but here I am. You should have seen the look on my girls face this morning, like she had caught me lying about my dirty secret, my weakness.