When do you use your HT



Audioholic Intern
I got into a discussion with some friends this weekend about when to use the HT setup (Receiver / 5.1 / etc...) vs when to just watch the TV with the TV speakers. The two points of view are:

If you are just watching TV (News, Jeopardy, Simpsons...) just use the TV. There is no real need for the entire HT to be running. Use the HT for Movies, Sports, Games,...)

Since you spent all that money on the HT system use it all the time no matter what you are watching.

What does everyone here do?


I use it all the time, tv, movies, games etc. It figure it's there why not use it.


All the time by using KISS principle

Use all the time. Tried to make it as simple as possible, so as not to confuse others. KISS- Keep It Simple, Stupid

HDMI cables from satellite to AVR to TV.

Simple operation: turn on AVR, turn on TV. Volume control through remote or AVR front panel.

Other inputs DVD, VHS (LOL), tuner can be switched in but most usage is through DishNetwork Satellite and TV.

And by the way some sounds, such as the driver contacting the golf ball are really enhanced :D



P.S.- "Yes it sounds better, but I would have been just as happy with ..."

P.S.S. "Okay, you can get that ~~~, but don't tell anybody how much it cost." -- My FAVORITE :D


Junior Audioholic
Another one for all the time here. You never know when you're going to switch to something that has "HT" sound (for lack of knowing what to call it :p). I also like having the receiver on so I can switch to FM now and then, during breaks, commercials, if there's nothing on, etc.


Audioholic Overlord
Only when something is worthy of good sound do I use it. I bought a car, too, but still walk to the corner store.

Since I do all my video switching through the TV and I run a red/white analog feed to is (as well as a parallel digital feed to the AVR when the source requires it) I don't even have to bother with the AVR most times. I do my audio switching through the AVR.

We use the TV to select what you wnt to watch. Since all sources have sound, it's not a problem. If we want the big sound, we simply turn on the AVR, select what source we want to listen to, and turn the volume down on the TV. So far, nobody has had any problems dealing with this.

Most times we simply use the cable box remote which, conveniently also controls the TV's volume.


Full Audioholic
Use it all the time...with the universal remote, it's not only easy, but it's more difficult to have it "both" ways than to just use the HT gear all the time.


Audioholic Overlord
I used to run a second signal to the TV and use the TV speakers for normal old TV but now I use the HT all the time for everything.


Audioholic Slumlord
I use it when the program I'm watching is enhanced by surround sound. If not, its simply the TV speakers/


I use the HT system all the time. HDMI hookup requires the AVR to run for the TV. I was hesitant at first to always have the HT system on just for TV viewing, but now, it's just the norm.


If anything is on, the entire HT is on. Obviously with the receiver's radio, but also during TV and PS3 games/movies. I've never used the speakers in my TV once!


Senior Audioholic
Yeah, my system is on from the moment I wake up till the moment we go to bed -- being used in one way or another. My 2 year old daughter requests "songs" with her breakfast, and I usually have something on before she gets up anyway. We play music all the time.

As for TV viewing, I've never used the speakers in my TV. Even poor quality audio from Dish is enhanced by my center channel. I use my preamp to process any non-DD signal to surround modes, which forces most dialog to the center. It's much more clear to hear an essentially full-range signal from the center than the tinny output of little TV speakers.

As noted above, it also makes it easier -- there's only one way to do things.

My amp has an auto-off after about five minutes of quiet. The preamp stays on all day, and probably only draws a small current when not in use. I haven't yet created a trigger setup for the amps that live in the basement, so they're on 24/7. I should fix that...


Audioholic Samurai
Another vote for all the time. :) Like Otto, mine stays on pretty continuously, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed, and we'll turn most of the system off during the day while we're at work, but leave the receiver on and switched to FM radio (for the dog.. hehe :))

I've thought about just using the full surround mode of my HT for movies only, but eh - why else did I get all this good stuff, for it to sit there and look pretty? It was designed to produce lots of sounds, and lots of sounds is what it produces, every day! :D


Audioholic Warlord
This is a huge pet peeve for me.

Anyone who spends the money on decent speakers should be using the good speakers all the time.

Surround sound is obvious for movies, but you don't just buy 'different' speakers, you are supposed to have bought speakers which are significantly better than those inside your television. This means that for basic viewing, such as the news or a game show, you are going to get much more accurate sound. At a lower volume, you should get more intelligible listening which won't cause as much ear strain when listening to the dialog.

I almost never see A/V receivers have issues, and typically, a good universal remote makes it one-touch easy to use the full HT system as it does for just using the cheap TV speakers.

Obviously, I use my good speakers all the time, but I really do balk at those who spend the money and then don't use them. There has NEVER been a good reason which I've heard not to use them.

The car reference is a good concept, but in reality, you aren't 'driving' your A/V system, you are listening. Whether it's a HD concert disc, or the local news, you are using the same display, and your same ears - so, why not make it as pleasurable as possible regardless? More like teleporting to the local store, or the one across town. It's just as easy and beneficial to teleport to both locations. Sure, you could walk to the closer one, but it would just be stupid to do so.


Junior Audioholic
Obviously, I use my good speakers all the time, but I really do balk at those who spend the money and then don't use them. There has NEVER been a good reason which I've heard not to use them.
Depending on how many components you have drawing power, I've noticed running HT *does* tend to boost up the elec bill more than just plain tv. :-o It's not a hugely significant amount, but it does add up over time. That might be one reason -- one of the better ones, at least: i.e., saving energy. :p

I say if people don't want to run their HT systems just to watch TV, that's their decision. I'd just be listening to music anyway, so it's about the same for me. But it's their gear, and I actually give them credit for the energy savings. :)


Audioholic Warlord
Depending on how many components you have drawing power, I've noticed running HT *does* tend to boost up the elec bill more than just plain tv. :-o It's not a hugely significant amount, but it does add up over time. That might be one reason -- one of the better ones, at least: i.e., saving energy. :p

I say if people don't want to run their HT systems just to watch TV, that's their decision. I'd just be listening to music anyway, so it's about the same for me. But it's their gear, and I actually give them credit for the energy savings. :)
Absolutely - that's the best reason possible as far as I know. Yet, it is one which I have never ever heard. It's always "It's just the news." On the other hand, someone that power concious might want a more efficient display (LED driven LCD?) or a smaller display. If they can't afford it... this would be the wrong hobby. ;)


Audioholic Ninja
I use my stereo for any time I listen to music and any program that I am watching in high defintion. I have a good picture mine as well get the best sound possible as well. HD programming is usually encoded in DD 5.1 so that is a bonus. They are usually the stations I watch anyways, sports, t.v shows, movies, videogames. I even throw on a music station from the satellite occasionally, so the HT is constantly in use.
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Audioholic Spartan
All the time.

All new movies/concerts are BR.

Old ones upconverted 1080p.(Realta)

We only watch HD.(Direct TV)

Moving towards all HDMI for KISS. Learned my lesson on that 5.1/7.1 analog crap.
I am certain once I get that set-up finished, it will be out-of-date as well.:eek:
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Audioholic Samurai
Always use it. Even when I pull the local TV stations off the air.



Senior Audioholic
My HT's on all the time, for the same reasons BMX has stated. Why spend the money on all this cool stuff and not use it? My grandmother, who lived through hard times during the Depression of the '30s, still used old jelly jars for everyday drinking glasses, even though she had a beautiful set of dishes & crystal in her china cabinet. She died without ever having the pleasure of using them.
In other words, USE 'EM!;)

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