I always have been, and probably always will be, a loud music junkie. Clean, but LOUD!! I do know better than to keep it blasted for long periods, but during certain interludes, solos and jams, the only way I fully enjoy it is if my spine is rattling and I think neighbors half a mile away are wondering where the f**k that music is coming from...
Similar to other posts here, I'll listen to different types of music at different levels. Most classical and jazz I'll keep under 85db, unless it's a really good jam, then maybe another 10db. Rock I'll listen to anywhere from about 70-110db, drum solos preferrably around 100db. Techno somewhere between 75-90db.
I've never seen any drag races firsthand, closest I suppose I could equate to them is sitting/standing right along the fence while having the cars or trucks of NASCAR scream by at 190 MPH, but even then, I don't think they're as loud as the funny cars/dragsters, but they are damn loud...