What's Up With Facebook?



Audioholic Samurai
Neither side can claim exclusive rights to political shenanigans, dirty tricks or double dealing. But we all know one side is much worse than the other. :)
Yes. Yes we do.

1. "In July 2010 the government said small businesses -- 60 percent -- will lose their health care, 45 percent of big business and a large percentage of individual health."

Sean Hannity, Nov. 11, 2013


2. "And President Obama has offered to pay out of his own pocket for the museum of Muslim culture out of his own pocket, yet it's the Republican National Committee who's paying for this."

Anna Kooiman, Oct. 5, 2013


3. Labor union president Andy Stern is "the most frequent visitor" at the White House.

Glenn Beck, Dec. 3, 2009


4. "Far more children died last year drowning in their bathtubs than were killed accidentally by guns."

Tucker Carlson, Aug. 9, 2014


5. White House Political Director Patrick Gaspard once served as the "right-hand man" for Bertha Lewis, who heads up ACORN.

Steve Doocy, Sept. 29, 2009


6. "Look at the debt that has been accumulated in the last two years. It's more debt under this president than all those other presidents combined."

Sarah Palin, May 31, 2011


7. "There is no good data showing secondhand smoke kills people."

John Stossel, Dec. 4, 2014


8. "Democrats are poised now to cause this largest tax increase in U.S. history."

Sarah Palin, Aug. 1, 2010


9. "The insurance industry is actually run by mostly Democrats."

Dana Perino, Oct. 31, 2013


10. The Obama administration "manipulated deportation data to make it appear that the Border Patrol was deporting more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration."

Lou Dobbs, July 1, 2014


11. Some doctors say Ebola can be transmitted through the air by "a sneeze or some cough."

George Will, Oct. 19, 2014


12. Says the Texas State Board of Education is considering eliminating references to Christmas and the Constitution in textbooks.

Gretchen Carlson, March 10, 2010


13. Because of President Barack Obama’s failure to "push job creation," the black unemployment rate in Ferguson, Mo., is three times higher than the white unemployment rate.

Lou Dobbs, Aug. 19, 2014


14. When White House communications director Anita Dunn said that Mao Tse-tung was "one of her favorite philosophers, only Fox News picked that up."

Bill O’Reilly, Oct. 23, 2009


15.American government will spend $200 million a day, or a total of $2 billion, to send the president on the 10-day mission to four countries that began today.

Fox News host Glenn Beck calculated the total 10-day cost as just “$2 billion,” adding, “We have 34 warships — have you seen this?”

Rush Limbaugh, the conservative radio host, announced simply: “Two hundred million dollars a day this nation will spend on Obama’s trip to India.”


16. "We researched to find out if anybody on Fox News had ever said you're going to jail if you don't buy health insurance. Nobody's ever said it."

Bill O’Reilly, Oct. 27, 2010


17. "If you make more than $250,000 a year … you only really take home about $125,000."

Steve Doocy, July 11, 2012


18. A Census Bureau worker says he was told to skew information to bring the unemployment rate down "as we headed into an election season."

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Nov. 19, 2013


19. During the lead-up to the American Revolutionary War, "some guy in Boston got his head blown off because he tried to secretly raise the tax on tea."

Andrea Tantaros, Jan. 15, 2014


20. "American troops have never been under the formal control of another nation."

Karl Rove, March 23, 2001


21. If you log into the government's Cash for Clunkers website (cars.gov) from your home computer, the government can "seize all of your personal and private" information, and track your computer activity.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, July 31, 2009


22. The Massachusetts health care plan is "wildly unpopular" among state residents.

Laura Ingraham, May 12, 2011


23. "The Constitution simply does not authorize the federal government to own any of this land (in the Western states)."

Andrew Napolitano, April 23, 2014


24. Says President Barack Obama is "sending a much larger (force) " to deal with Ebola "than ISIS is getting."

Brit Hume, Sept. 21, 2014


25. On climate change, "the temperature readings have been fabricated, and it's all blowing up in their (scientists') faces."

Dana Perino, Feb. 9, 2015


What do you think about their practice to censure and prioritize posts based on liberal vs conservative content? Should that also be regulated?
Liberals have figured out a Facebook algorithm and "all the people getting banned from Facebook are somehow conservatives."

Todd Starnes, April 17, 2014



Audioholic Samurai
The brainwashing campaign was orchestrated by professional and very good ones at that.
BSA, we couldn't agree more! And only incredible niavete would believe this brainwashing is the exclusive domain of one political party.

The proposed solution is where we divide. To remain free, conservatives believe each individual must evaluate the veracity of all information and decide for himself. Liberals seem to believe someone should censure and control the information you receive.

It is something I simply cannot understand.


Audioholic General
No one is asking to regulate any social aspects. This is about protecting your own private info. Europe is miles ahead of us in that regard and FB is about to pay dearly for playing loose with it.
If you read my posts a bit more carefully, I hope you'd understand better than your view is "a bit" misguided. As your changing one's opinions. Sure, you may have indeed strong beliefs and you won't take what you read on FB to heart. Congrats. Not everyone is like you. It's not (just) FB at fault here. The brainwashing campaign was orchestrated by professional and very good ones at that. So you may not fall for whatever propaganda Russians have been spewing on FB, but many did.
Also, I recommend you to read this excellent blog then you have a chance.: https://youarenotsosmart.com/
Your on a nice Roll!. Don't stop!. Outstanding post!. Russia, is the biggest threat to United States of America. The Communist Party hasn't gone away just because the so called 'ColdWar' ended it never did end. If what We have witnessed on FB alone, with all the propaganda posted up on that website than nothing will convince anyone then. That was one of many reason's I deleted My account on FB and a few personal reasons. It's really easy to recognize the 'fake' crap, Russia's not alone doing these kinds of thing's on social media sites. All of your communist Red Party's are also involved. As an American of these Great States of the United States, I have to say they would love nothing more than to see a Red Flag flying over You and Your children's heads!. No our system isn't perfect it's broken! No Administration, present or in the near future can fix it with a few quick changes. The damage was done and has been Rolling all down hill since Korean War ended. It got really Rolling after the Vietnam War, So don't just look at the last 4 or 5 Presidential Administrations. This So called 'Two Party" system has ruined Our Country to the point of what's happening now!. President Ford, didn't want to bailout N.Y. when that State was bankrupt, they twisted his arm into signing that debt that was added to taxpayers. G20 Summit meetings guys, 1%ers are the one's laughing all the way to the bank on your dime.
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Audioholic Chief
No one is asking to regulate any social aspects. This is about protecting your own private info. Europe is miles ahead of us in that regard and FB is about to pay dearly for playing loose with it.
If you read my posts a bit more carefully, I hope you'd understand better than your view is "a bit" misguided. As your changing one's opinions. Sure, you may have indeed strong beliefs and you won't take what you read on FB to heart. Congrats. Not everyone is like you. It's not (just) FB at fault here. The brainwashing campaign was orchestrated by professional and very good ones at that. So you may not fall for whatever propaganda Russians have been spewing on FB, but many did.
Also, I recommend you to read this excellent blog then you have a chance.: https://youarenotsosmart.com/
Ummm I apologize if I misread your post, I took it that you do not believe there should be regulation, which is why I added my 2cents.
You say no one is trying to regulate, yet you originally asked those who think so why. I'm confused or you just got a little bored.


Audioholic Slumlord
Fair enough, I do agree what Equifax is did is MUCH worse, but likely won't be held accountable, least not by current administration.
As for the meme, while entertaining, not quite accurate. FB holds much more info on you than your vacation photos and you'll be shocked to learn how much. That includes most of web sites you visit as well as your phone calls logs


Audioholic Chief
Fair enough, I do agree what Equifax is did is MUCH worse, but likely won't be held accountable, least not by current administration.
As for the meme, while entertaining, not quite accurate. FB holds much more info on you than your vacation photos and you'll be shocked to learn how much. That includes most of web sites you visit as well as your phone calls logs
Gotta try to lighten the mood a little bit Haha. I believe you are correct with fb holding and having access to more info than we know. To me, as long as it's not financial info I could almost care less, again that's just me. Don't get me wrong I see how some can get irate over it, but unfortunately it's the digital age we live in. We all need to be more aware of how things are tracked, and most importantly what we share in a digital domain. If fb can track it, anyone can.


Audioholic General
Equifax huh?. what a Joke that company is unethical practices, corruption and they get away with more than you could possibly imagine. I personaly know of a person who worked for Equifax over 30 years. Did investigations, background checks. Its what they Do with Your info. Don't think for one second if a person who works for any information, 'Gathering 'company has Your best interest at heart. I was told first hand by that person and I quote , "If I find out something than I am morally obligated to report". Now people who work for such company's are supposed to, uphold to company policy and standards and not reveal personal and private information. Let that person's ' morality' come into play alone with their so called 'Morals' because of a self righteousness, then who's to say how much damage a person like that can do to somebody or another company. Those are the thing's that not just credit information being stolen from Millions. With that info alone, medical records can be accessed passed or present. Not to mention tax information, Banking information the list could be be endless. Let's say someone got a hold of your info, and they what to hurt You with your info? They could ruin you financially, even entrap you with criminal charges just by changing up a few documents with your info. Now you could scream victim of circumstances just try and prove that in a court of law. Hell they could wipe you out from the system, remove or add or change record's at your Clerk of Courts records..This is serious people! Equifax should have been shut down, and what ever info they still have on the millions destroyed. That alone would be some kind of Justice. A big fine? who gets the money? How can it be justified with just a fine? They got Millions sitting in banks. Would a 100 million or 5 Billions fine do? It isn't anything, it just gets spread around in one big circle that leads right back to them.
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Audioholic General
Gotta try to lighten the mood a little bit Haha. I believe you are correct with fb holding and having access to more info than we know. To me, as long as it's not financial info I could almost care less, again that's just me. Don't get me wrong I see how some can get irate over it, but unfortunately it's the digital age we live in. We all need to be more aware of how things are tracked, and most importantly what we share in a digital domain. If fb can track it, anyone can.
Did you read that article, on 'ICE' they are using 'backend, back log' info from FB users matching login and logout info to users, time,date, and Cell Phone IP, and IMEI. Doesn't matter if they use a throw away cell phone or not. That's just one agency, now imagine since ICE, can do that what are the possibilities the rest of the agencies are doing it. You would be right on your assumption, yep No More Privacy. Now what do you believe Our military can do with your right to privacy. Pin point accuracy where you are right Now if they do choose to do so. In your home upstairs rolling around with your significant other. Privacy? I have been a victim of identity theft myself. Celebrities, photos, video's uploaded with explicit private, and they thought it would never get out. The days of sneaking around, or casual encounters, not to mention the secret hookup at a distant spot in another state or even your buddy's bachelor pad that you got the key to use cause he said I'm your wingman. Now someone gets a hold of your cell phone ID, cell number your IMEI and your screwed. Your local law enforcement doesn't even need a warrant all he needs is a tracking device called ' a 'Stinger' your riding around doing your thing you pull up to a intersection a law enforcement cruiser is sitting to the right or to the left or right behind it doesn't matter. He has his new toy that your local law enforcement department has or State Police just issued him. He now has as many IP, IMEI, and cell numbers he wants. Privacy? please!..PS, your on the road, remove the battery from your cellphone, Apple iPhone users, your out of luck leave it home..lol. Even some LG cellphones you can't remove the battery leave those home to..if your not concerned about your privacy than scratch everything I just posted and Big Brother will make sure your Ok. I sure miss the ole analog days..lol. People say I'm to old school. :cool:
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Audioholic Chief
Equifax huh?. what a Joke that company is unethical practices, corruption and they get away with more than you could possibly imagine. I personaly know of a person who worked for Equifax over 30 years. Did investigations, background checks. Its what they Do with Your info. Don't think for one second if a person who works for any information, 'Gathering 'company has Your best interest at heart. I was told first hand by that person and I quote , "If I find out something than I am morally obligated to report". Now people who work for such company's are supposed to, uphold to company policy and standards and not reveal personal and private information. Let that person's ' morality' coming to play alone with their so called 'Morals' because of a self righteousness, then who's to say how much damage a person like that can do to somebody or another company. Those are the thing's that not just credit information being stolen from Millions. With that info alone, medical records can be accessed passed or present. Not to mention tax information, Banking information the list could be be endless. Let's say someone got a hold of your info, and they what to hurt You with your info? They could ruin you financially, even entrap you with criminal charges just by changing up a few documents with your info. Now you could scream victim of circumstances just try and prove that in a court of law. Hell they could wipe you out from the system, remove or add or change record's at your Clerk of Courts records..This is serious people! Equifax should have been shut down, and what ever info they still have on the millions destroyed. That alone would be some kind of Justice. A big fine? who gets the money? How can it be justified with just a fine? They got Millions sitting in banks. Would a 100 million or 5 Billions fine do? It isn't anything, it just gets spread around in one big circle that leads right back to them.
My ssn was in the breach, I got 2 years of monitoring for free and if I choose, another 5 yrs at a discount, um thanks...some of these accounts will be held for years before the people who stole it will use it. By all means the immediate abuse that could reap its toll is scary enough, but what about 10, 15, 20 years down the road?
We live in a digital age, everything is traceable. I can remove or limit what fb can see, I can 2nd guess who I text call email websites I visit photos I share and general info, none of that bothers me anywhere near as much as the financial hardship one can endure with credit info, and these days it's very hard to remove yourself from any digital traces on finances. Every credit card, every bank, credit bureaus, even the IRS all have the info available online.


Audioholic General
My ssn was in the breach, I got 2 years of monitoring for free and if I choose, another 5 yrs at a discount, um thanks...some of these accounts will be held for years before the people who stole it will use it. By all means the immediate abuse that could reap its toll is scary enough, but what about 10, 15, 20 years down the road?
We live in a digital age, everything is traceable. I can remove or limit what fb can see, I can 2nd guess who I text call email websites I visit photos I share and general info, none of that bothers me anywhere near as much as the financial hardship one can endure with credit info, and these days it's very hard to remove yourself from any digital traces on finances. Every credit card, every bank, credit bureaus, even the IRS all have the info available online.
Think back to when Sony got hacked, they went back to paper and pencil old invoices, cabinet filing. They did that cause they didn't know how extensive the damage was from being digitally hacked. They lost 100's of millions. Now just apply that to the Average Joe like you and I, yeah it could be devastating, career ending or even leave you on the streets homeless. Something to think about for sure. About the best I believe is to have a ready cash in hand, or put away other than a Bank or Savings account. Can in the back yard kind of thing so to speak. A Camp home you may have in a other State or town. No I'm not a doomsday peaching here thing. Just that all of what's been going on and like you stated, what about 5, 10, 20 years from now? Who knows what the ones who stole all the info on unsuspecting millions will do with the info. Blackmail? their doing that now just ask HBO..

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