AccuEQ proceeded in familiar fashion, cycling twice through all channels with brief noise bursts. The process was smooth, the initial results a little less so: Onkyo’s system set all front and center speaker crossovers to 150 hertz (I know all three speakers to be in-room accurate to well below 100 Hz), and the surrounds to 120 Hz. (My reference crossover setting for my main-front Energy Veritas 2.2i speakers is 60 Hz; for my center, 80). AccuEQ’s distances were very accurate, but levels were off by several decibels amongst the front trio, relative to what my handheld SPL meter (and my ears) told me, and twice that on the surrounds. (To be fair, most systems get dipole-surround levels wrong.)
So I gave AccuEQ a second run with slightly different mike and speaker placements, and I got completely different results. Main-front crossovers were now set to 40 Hz (lower than any other auto routine I’ve used), the remaining channels to a sensible 120 Hz. Distances were still perfect, and levels—except subwoofer, which was as usual several decibels too hot—within a decibel or so either way to my meter, all of which is well above average. Moral: If an auto-EQ system seems confused, then reboot, reposition, and retry before condemning.
AccuEQ’s speaker/room correction proved tough to judge since defeating/enabling it passes through a four-second muting interval. But my conclusion was of a very slightly warmer mid-to-low bass, with very little impact on the upper seven or so octaves of sound. This is different from my experience with Audyssey MultEQ, gained over many runs in my room on various receivers and pre/pros, where the net results have been reliably, noticeably “tighter” midbass and “better focused” (or, perhaps, “more spatially distinct”) treble. Any road, the effect of AccuEQ was quite minimal with my room/speaker combo—which is flatter than most to begin with‐and entirely benign in any case. Obviously, any auto-cal system can and probably will yield dramatically different results and character in each different room setup. Regardless, I proceeded to do all my subsequent listening with the EQ defeated, as always.