So far I have …
$360 DriveRack PA 2 Management Processor dbx2 OR
$600 Denon AVRX3400H OR AVRX2400H $100 less
1.x $350+Crown XTI 1000 ,if I can find them!! OR $500 for 1002's for mids/highs
2.x $999 Crown XTI 4002 for bass
$TBD...Furman Power Conditioner
And is the setup I had in thought for car audio Subs, mids, and highs. Don't know any home audio speakers this loud for price.
Could use a lot of this for home audio but from what I understand from earlier post is the power rating on home audio was something like heat rating? So they would not hold with this power.
The bass power could be changed also, made this list with (2) $550 Team FI - BTL Series – BTL-NEO12's in mind. But that's my all out. Could go way cheaper, (2-4) $200 American Bass XFL1522 15's
Mids would be (4-8) $150 Team FI - N.7 Midrange's
Highs (4-8) $70 Morel CAT 378 1-1/8" Tweeters
And make costume enclosures for each range "mids/highs" and woofer separate, or make two towers speakers. Aprox PRICE 5,600 cheaper subs, 300 or more for. More expensive.