What movie chokes you up?



Audioholic Jedi
Gladiator definitely got to me too. When he returns home to find his family...whoa.

A couple of scenes in Braveheart too.

Forrest Gump, yup.

I was misty when I saw Land of the Dead, because it truly was a waste of both 2hrs and $10...


Audioholic Intern
The Color Purple ...in many scenes but especially the shave on the porch when Whoopie is sharpening that razor......when "shug" and her dad reunite.....when Nettie comes home ...with the children.

Braveheart....at the end ....when Robert the Bruce asks that the Scots "now bleed with me", and the big guy (angus?) that sword.... then they all start to run in slow motion ( did ya know some of those guys standing around and behind him are descendants of the Wallace clan? and one guy on the right has a problem with his kilt---but try not to notice that ok?)

Last of the Mohicans '92 --oh Uncas why didn't you wait just a couple of minutes darlin?

Gettysburg....because of the tragic loss and waste of American lives (north and south) and because you can see the emotion in some of the re-enactors faces so overwhelmingly as the trace their ancestors footsteps.

Glory....again tragic loss of life.....

Gone with the wind...when Scarlett sees Tara standing, then finds out her mother has died just before she got there....then declares neither she or her family will ever go hungry again. Thats a lot for a 19 year old girl to live up to.

Thunderheart....when they find Maggie Eagle Bear at Red Deer Table.

Pirates of the Caribbean....I paid how much for that??? ( bought it without seeing in theaters) it's ......ok....but not "all that"

Out of Africa...the end of course.

and yes, I'm female.....


Senior Audioholic
The first movie I ever remember that I was openly weeping was the Jungle Book.

Yep, the cartoon classic from our youth.

Still does it for me, every time that I see the movie.

My short list

Field of Dreams
(Kevin Costner playing catch with his dad .... better give me the whole box of kleenex )

Shawshank Redemption
(Morgan Freeman's walk along the beach.... meeting up with long lost friend... that is a two hankie special)

The Shootist
(John Wayne's last movie ..... he knew it was going to be his last .... and we knew what he knew when we watched the ending of the movie)

Yes there are others

Gettysburg and Saving Private Ryan come to mind.

Oh what the heck, let's be honest, half the movies in my collection.


Senior Audioholic
La Vita e Bella (Life Is Beautiful). The sacrifices and pure love that dad showed for his son is really moving.


Death Race 2000, because not enough points were scored. Oh yeah and Bambi.


Full Audioholic
My Dog Skip. My wife went running from th HT room balling and hid under the covers for about 30 minutes, which was good as I was starting to get teary eyed myself.


.....and Clint, how about The Cure??? It was probably more of a tug-on-the-heart rather than a choke but it was still pretty good anyhow :) . Those two kids in that movie were outstanding.

However, since you worked on it you probably never got to see it as others did and have a similar reaction :( .

The Cure: a good movie but even more important, great sound engineering!!!!
(That should be worth a few points, Clint; but, what do I get :eek???

GeorgeM said:
.....and Clint, how about The Cure?
Yeah, I was going to mention that movie, but I have no perspective on it to know if it was like that for everyone else. It definitely got to me when I first saw it.


Audioholic Intern
Clint DeBoer said:
So what's it like to be surrounded by all of us sensitive men? haha

amusing ;) ........I like this board ...you don't get that attitude here that it's only worthwhile (HT equipment) if your HT cost more than your car, like on some boards.



Audioholic Samurai
Man! I've thought about this since the day this thread was opened, but can't think of a movie that qualified. I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one movie that had the reaction, but I can't remember what it was. :confused:

If I can extend this to count for anime series[since I can't, at the moment, think of any specific movies, or anything else for that matter, that did it for me]: Please Teacher! really choked me up on a few of the episodes. Yeah, an anime series. Cheesey, huh? :D



Senior Audioholic
For some reason Spiderman always get to me near the end when Tobey Maguire is getting his butt handed to him by the Green Goblin. Especially when the pumpkin bomb goes off near his face and they show him in slow motion flying back through the air from the blast, face-mask barely hanging on.

Come to think of it, in Spiderman2 when he saves all the people on the runaway train and they're all saying how he's just a boy and that they won't tell anyone and then the 2 kids give him his mask back. That really chokes me up.
Mr. Lamb Fries

Mr. Lamb Fries

Full Audioholic
Great thread! I love movies that give you an emotional responce. heres a few mentioned earlier,
braveheart, saving private ryan, what dreams may come (whole movie), revenge...too many to list,

Some i didnt see in the thread,
Legend of the fall...When Anthony hopkins character has a stroke and his son comes home, (brad pitts character),...he writes "am happy" on his chalk board...
Meet joe black...if you can get to the end!?!, when Anthony hopkins asks "Should I be afraid" and brad pitt replies.."not a man like you"

this one might make you people think i am a pre op tranny but,
Armageddon...when the crews are going to the space shuttles and the little boy, watching television, says, "look ma, the salesmans on TV", and she replies, "thats not a salesman...thats your father"

thelma and louise...that makes the girl in all of us have a good cry!!!

Pearl Harbor...I saw it in the theater when it first came out. after the movie ended, a gentleman about 80 (just a guess), was standing outisde the theater with who appeared to be his wife. He was hunched over and literally crying on her shoulder. I noticed he was wearing a Naval Officers hat from that time (I know b/cuz my father has one). I knew that film really hit home for this man...Still chokes me up thinking about that.

Now i gotta go let my keyboard dry off...
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Audioholic Samurai
.....we're talkin' oldies, but I say "An Affair To Remember", with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr ranks high as a tear-jerker....at the last when he sees the picture on the bedroom wall and she is sitting on the couch in the living room gets me every time...."Sleepless In Seattle", was a wonderful sorta' sequel to that one....

.....not trying to shift the thread, but movies that hold my attention to the point of not wanting to miss one second are note-worthy also.....one for me in that category was the one with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore....wasn't the name of it, "Ghost"?.....

....."The American President", could be my all-time favorite, I don't know....I like light stuff, with there being plenty of heavy in my every-day life.....
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