What kind of bug is this?

Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
hemiram said:
they do a lot of dancing around before finally stomping it to death by rearing up like a horse and banging their front feet on them.
When I lived in Mississippi, my dogs used to do that to frogs. I had four boxers at the time and first they'd try to bite it and then they'd each take turns stomping on it. I used to say they were giving it artificial resuscitation. :D


Audioholic Samurai
Clint DeBoer said:
I found this outside my house... It's about 2-2.5 inches long.
I dont know what kind of bug it is but for a $20 bill a kid who works for me would eat it! NO KIDDING.

This kid is 19 years old & will eat any insect we find on the job site for money,its like watching fear factor at work,last week we found a monster sized praying mantis & he chewed it up like it was a chicken mc nugget,he says that for $50 he will eat a live mouse,on monday im bringing him a big fat mouse:D


Welcome To Florida, Clint!!!!

Those things are all over the place. They don't move around much during the day, mostly at night. Fun when they crawl into the ol' Bug Zapper.

BTW- we do have bigger bugs here ;)

RJ: post a picture of those monster slugs.
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Audioholic Ninja
majorloser said:
Those things are all over the place. They don't move around much during the day, mostly at night. Fun when they crawl into the ol' Bug Zapper.

BTW- we do have bigger bugs here ;)

RJ: post a picture of those monster slugs.
I don't have a wide-angle or macro lens for my digital camera. But those dudes go from here to there and back again. ;)

Maybe this winter I'll get a good shot of a banana slug for our southern brethren. They can see why they're named that! :eek:


Mothra Twins


Their on the way to your house :p
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Full Audioholic
Clint DeBoer said:
That would freak me out... Looks big and hairy.
Yeah, it IS big and hairy! I don't mind spiders in general, but the big ones really creep me out when they get on me. The really big wasps get me all panicky, I got stung by a bunch of them when I was a kid, and a few weeks ago, one got into my truck and, of course, got on my head and I was trying to drive and control myself as he walked around on my glasses and played with my right eyebrow. Seeing his stinger wasn't a help either. Finally, he decided to sit on the top of the back seat, and stayed there till I got home.

When I lived in Las Vegas, these things took over the cereal aisle at the grocery store I went to:


Some must have survived the mass gassing they did, because they suddenly popped up all over the place a few months later. My dogs went nuts one night, and they had one cornered in the laundry room. Those dogs weren't "brave" enough to attack it, they just ducked and weaved, and barked their heads off. The ones I have now would go after it, no doubt.


Full Audioholic
Tom Andry said:
When I lived in Mississippi, my dogs used to do that to frogs. I had four boxers at the time and first they'd try to bite it and then they'd each take turns stomping on it. I used to say they were giving it artificial resuscitation. :D
Funny, mine ignore the toads that are out there in the back yard all the time. King (my avatar) hunts down mice and moles all the time. I kind of feel sorry for them, he tosses them around for a while, and after the thing is already probably dead, he does the tap dance on them until they are mush, then, if I don't stop him, gobble gobble! My old cat and King were a powerful bug hunting combo. If it was a fast flyer, the cat took care of it, he was good at catching flies, King was better at moths and crawling bugs. The cat is gone now, but I all have to do is say, "Bug!!" and King comes running. He takes the job very seriously. It's about the only thing he does take seriously.

Molly ignores bugs and anything smaller than a rat, for the most part, but anything rat sized or bigger is attacked and killed. She's had so much practice that most animals are dead in less than 30 seconds. She got a Woodchuck once, and I saw her catch it, do about 3 end over end flips, and finish it off so quickly I couldn't figure out what happened until she picked it up and walked around the yard with it. Then I had to chase her around to keep her from rolling on it and finally eating parts of it.:eek:


Audioholic Ninja
I had a rare cousin of one of these come up close and personal.


Beautiful, isn't it? I was sitting in my back yard (basically a hill overlooking a canyon) and saw the thing crawling by my foot and muttered to the missus..."Look how beautiful that is.", and returned to my lemonade and birdwatching. It turns out that Mother Nature makes things bright and beautiful ONLY when its highly visible brilliance doesn't make it easy prey for birds and other predators. In other words, this is ONE BAD MUTHAH and its 'hairs' are quite poisonous...each filled with mini-amounts of cobra-type neurotoxins!!! :mad: This thing had come up from Baja California to crawl up inside my pant leg. I felt a stinging under my jeans. Thinking a red ant had stung me, I smashed down on my knee and smashed all its toxic cilia all over my knee. I felt like I'd been shot. Fortunately, I had a some biologist friends who had connections to two of the world's premier entomological poison experts. I credit them with providing the correct treatment that saved my life. Incredible, eh?!

I must be part cat. I've now survived a massive heart attack. Cancer. A plane crash. And one killer caterpillar. LOL. :D
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
rjbudz said:
...Incredible, eh?!

I must be part cat. I've now survived a massive heart attack. Cancer. A plane crash. And one killer caterpillar. LOL. :D
Some people just aren't meant to die...seriously!

I've never been able to figure the math or logic (philosophy??) on it, but I've know some people who just seem to repeatedly survive insurvivable events. Really makes you wonder. :confused:

[POKING FUN]I'm curious if there is a DBT for that!:eek:
:rolleyes: :D


The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
Hey, Hemiram, can I borrow your dog for a few months? I probably have 200 moles in my yard that he can hunt till his heart is content. Of course my yard would most likely look like an exploded mine field, but at least the moles would be gone:D
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Hey Clint,

are those the same bugs that where around your home at springtime? If they are I would recommend you move because they have morphed since the last pic's and in all likelihood reached maturity and their reproduction limit;) .


Junior Audioholic
rjbudz said:
Here's a cheaper way, Duke.


I've gotten 20 of the little pests with my mole attack. Peanut butter (creamy) and a mouse trap near the tunnel openings. :) You might even scare off a skunk or two, lol.

Um, isn't this "audioholics"? Have you listened to the film clips of the rodenator? It's got way better bass than those chintzy traps you're advocating.... :D For visceral involvement in the act of ridding your yard of pests, nothing beats the rodenator!


Audioholic Ninja
rmongiovi said:
Um, isn't this "audioholics"? Have you listened to the film clips of the rodenator? It's got way better bass than those chintzy traps you're advocating.... :D For visceral involvement in the act of ridding your yard of pests, nothing beats the rodenator!
Yeah, you're probably right. But I'll wager the Rodenator doesn't have the high-end clarity, impact, and open-sounding snap-crackle-and-pop of a nicely snapped mole neck. :eek: While distortion is a problem, the automatic on/off switch is a nice convenience. ;)

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
You guys are out of control! That rodentator looks really cool...except fot the price tag:eek: The thought of blowing those little rodents up sure is appealing, though:D
I checked for rodentator pros for hire in my area (SC) No luck. Biscuits. I also checked through the list of accessories. What's up with the fire equipment:eek: My luck the burrows would go under the house and with the first explosion, poof: the burrows would not be the only thing that collapsed:p


Republican Poster Boy
How about this one guys. I have no idea what it is but have a few of them in the house usually around a window. It looks like the kissing bug or assassin bug that is in my sons bug book, but I think we are a little too far north for one of those. Take a look:eek:


I... NEED... a rodenator.... but for $1,890 I think I'd just get me a nice BB gun & bait and sit out back with some iced tea.

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