Tom Andry said:
When I lived in Mississippi, my dogs used to do that to frogs. I had four boxers at the time and first they'd try to bite it and then they'd each take turns stomping on it. I used to say they were giving it artificial resuscitation.
Funny, mine ignore the toads that are out there in the back yard all the time. King (my avatar) hunts down mice and moles all the time. I kind of feel sorry for them, he tosses them around for a while, and after the thing is already probably dead, he does the tap dance on them until they are mush, then, if I don't stop him, gobble gobble! My old cat and King were a powerful bug hunting combo. If it was a fast flyer, the cat took care of it, he was good at catching flies, King was better at moths and crawling bugs. The cat is gone now, but I all have to do is say, "Bug!!" and King comes running. He takes the job very seriously. It's about the only thing he does take seriously.
Molly ignores bugs and anything smaller than a rat, for the most part, but anything rat sized or bigger is attacked and killed. She's had so much practice that most animals are dead in less than 30 seconds. She got a Woodchuck once, and I saw her catch it, do about 3 end over end flips, and finish it off so quickly I couldn't figure out what happened until she picked it up and walked around the yard with it. Then I had to chase her around to keep her from rolling on it and finally eating parts of it.