While that is an impressive system, don't think that sounds so much better than lower cost stuff. A lot of what you are paying for is aesthetics- it's a beautiful design for sure. Also, a lot of what you are paying for is how things are being done, but not necessarily for the end results. It's similar to a Rolex watch; they aren't very good as pure timepieces, and much of what you are paying for is their intricate mechanical engineering. Any simple Casio Quartz watch is a far more accurate timepiece.
Those Pass Labs amps are nice for sure, but they have no hope of matching the technical performance of a Benchmark AHB2, or a NAD C298, or a Cherry Megaschnino. All of which, although pricey amps, are much less expensive. I have heard Utopias on multiple occasions, and while quite nice, can be matched for sound quality at much lower costs. In fact, the pictured system would be easy to exceed in sound quality at lower costs, for two reasons: the bass drivers are mounted rather high, and that will lead to some ground bounce cancellation. And there are no measures that I see which address room modes, except for that bass trap which probably only addresses issues above 100Hz.