My first encounter with the name Nemo came in 1988 when I was 6 years old and I read Jules Verne's 20K Leagues Under the Sea. Captain Nemo explained the origin of his name as Latin for "no one". Even that young I had always felt I was the black sheep of the family and no one understood me at all.
Two years later, I got a copy of Little Nemo: The Dream Master for Nintendo. I loved that game, and the idea of the character also resonated with me. Kid escapes his miserable life to a dream world where he is a hero.
Life remained that way, so the name always stood in my head although I never used it anywhere but online. I explained it in my teen years to a close friend who said it fit me perfectly.
The original version of the name was Nemo64, named for the 64-bit memory bus used by the nVidia NV1 and Voodoo graphics accelerators at the time. It was mostly for the NV1, since I was big into reading about emerging technologies and thought that nVidia's vision for desktop graphics was going to trump 3Dfx's eventually. I was a regular in an IRC chatroom on eFnet named for the company, and at that time also in #riva and #3dhardware. When the Riva128 released, I changed it to Nemo128 to signifiy my stance that 3Dfx's days were numbered and nVidia was poised to crush them. Needless to say, I was right.
I was constantly mocked because it was believed that I should change it to Nemo256, to evolve with the memory bus width increases, but it stood at 128 because that was just significant to me.
I only inserted numbers because Nemo was taken everywhere even in 1995.
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