what difficulty do you start on?



I was just reading a few post and keep running up on phrases like "going to finish the game tonight on normal then onto heroic then legendary" which kinda confused me a bit so I though I'd take a quick poll out of curiosity. I never start a game on normal or medium, I always start on the hardest setting and play through. I like the games I play but can't see starting on easy with the intent to play this same game four times on all the difficulties. I personally would get bored. With the exception of the first Halo I've never played a campaign more than one time. So I'm just curious what others do? Is everyone else playing the game multiple times?


Audioholic Samurai
I generally just like playing videogames to entertain myself for 20-30 minutes, and put it on normal. I rarely re-play a game, unless I love it, like Metal Gear Solid 4 I must have played on every level... but it had a lot of replay value to me because of the different awards and such from playing a session a certain way or strategy. Unless you're just amazing, you couldn't play MGS4 on Boss Hard the first time around, because you'd die before you learned the controls.


Audioholic Jedi
Sometimes I start on the easiest setting, but I'm older and now suck at video games.


Audioholic Overlord
Sometimes I start on the easiest setting, but I'm older and now suck at video games.
I don't have time for games that much anymore. The only game I play on hard is Madden, but I can own the AI usually. Still I play it on the 2nd hardest most of the time because I prefer to button mash. :D


I usually start on normal which is, I think, the "sweet spot" the designers intended for the play-through. If it's a particularly great game (or I'm chasing achievements) I'll play through again on whatever higher difficulty(ies).


Audioholic General
Yeah Pong was hard when it was introduced ...

Sometimes I start on the easiest setting, but I'm older and now suck at video games.

... no-one had ever seen such a game. twist a single dial and back a box video block back and forth --- LOL Adam weren't the 70's great. :D

Forest Man


Usually I like to start on normal to go through the story line. After that I go through it again on each of the higher difficulties as quickly as I can. I like the challenge, plus I'm usually chasing achievements.


Audioholic Jedi
I always start with normal and if it is too easy, I will switch to a higher difficulty.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I always start at the highest and keep at it until I am so furious I'm about to smash my plasma. Then I'll take it down a notch. :D


Usually, i start on the normal difficult...and then, when im getting better on the game i increase difficult levels :D


Audioholic Samurai
I usually start on the Compound Hemroid difficulty level and if I can't beat it I hang up the gloves...


Easy is too easy, hard is too frustrating, so I go Normal, or medium. It's usually how the developers meant the game to be played and that's good enough for me (unless the game is designed to be stupid hard). I think the only game I've beaten on all difficulties was Halo because of that little ranking they give you. :)

I wasted a lot of time on WoW, missed out on a lot of good games. Can't be wasting even more time on harder difficulties and multiple run throughs. Ironically I'm almost done with the two Warcraft III games... which are pretty damn good. Curse you Blizzard!!!


Audioholic Intern
Normal at first, but for games like L4D, I move up to Expert for a better experience.


Junior Audioholic
I start on the hardest difficulty and play through as much of it as I can.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
easy. i'm not actually for the challenge, i just want to finish the game and see the story.

if there are cheats available, i usually use them if i can't get past a mission.


Easiest option there is, I usually play games for the story not for how hard it is. Allthough I did really enjoy demons souls.


Full Audioholic
I usually start on normal and finish on normal, dying plenty of times in the process :) But, I figure that means I'm playing as intended, never stopped from finishing completely, but generally challenged throughout as well.


Audioholic Chief
Depends on how the achievements are awarded…if the hardest level will get me all of the lower achievement then that’s where I start. If you have to play the game through on every difficulty level to pick up all of the achievements then I usually play it once through on normal and put it away.


Full Audioholic
Always normal and then when I beat it on that, depending on how much I like the game (or if there are achievements to be had on completing the harder modes) I'll up the ante!

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