Dolby Stereo Digital AC-3 with PLIIx / Lucasfilm Ltd THX Sound System / JBL professional
For THX laserdisc this is nice NTSC Japanese pressing.
Jar, Jar, Binks, directional dialouge pan to stage left, with a small level half pan in the centre. Got listen to notice these details.
Maul, double blade lightsaber sounds wicked cool with half pan in centre with rest of the blade lighting up from left to right that makes me look to left/right with smooth soft top end on the matched JBL horns and nice warm bass mid that is felt! With SW LFE.1 accompanying the scene with levels trimmed so the SW doesn't make itself too noticeable.
Foley sound effects of foot punches as Maul kicks Obi-Wan, half centre with harder kick left stage. Lots going on in each cut scene that is a bit faster than the original trilogy where it was all slower and mostly held the screen for many seconds, here its like few seconds then cut to another angle and another angle way, too fast, got be listening fast to noticing it all!
Obi-Wan, runs up towards on-screen with the sound of his lightsaber being heard along the right surround arrays to perfect tonal frequency and then change in the mix level freq when seconds later on stage channels. It makes me look turn to right while keeping my left eye on-screen with my right eye still catching the on-screen while left eye sees more of the right surrounds and rear back surrounds.
Nice stage bass on centre with rest reverberation over L/R Maul, hits the deck with a SLAM! How anyone can stand up after a fall like?
Qui-Gon, jumps down to tackle Maul, or finish him off.
Nice Maul, Foley foot punch to Qui-Gon, Chin! get it?

Bass nicely felt with stage channels then the SW cuts in again the lightsabers giving forceful SLAM and DEPTH!
Obi-Wan hanging on to the edge with a thunderous roar on the back JBL 8330, flash back of the cinema when listening too the same JBL. Makes me look right around over my shoulder and barely keeping left eye on the screen, not distracted on bit this made it fully force Dolby exciting.
Getting really Dolby sound THX JBL excited now! The sweat is starting to make my palms slippy I need to dry my hands. What JBL THX Dolby sound rush!
Get in there Qui- Gon! I can feel the sound moving forwards with bass mid with each lightsaber SLAM! As Qui-Gon, pushes Maul, back.
WOW I am out of breath! But my JBL THX isn't still plenty of steam on tap.