It could be. As shady and Mr.Boat touched on, think about how the speakers will interact with your room. (That will require some understanding of the measurements, and ideally with some personal experience with different speaker types, and maybe even a deep dive into Toole's book).
So in addition to vertical response, also consider horizontal and overall power response, and how such differences will play out in your room. The JBLs and Arendals have dispersion that is more narrowly constrained. That may benefit in a lively acoustic environment, or if you plan on trying the somewhat unconventional time-intensity trading approach, which demands narrower controlled directivity speakers. In a more tame acoustic environment, the Focals or other wide dispersion speaker might make more sense. You have some degree of "choose you illusion" freedom here.
Shady's, and Erin's and Amir's, reviews and measurements can help you rule out any speakers that don't 'get out of the way of the music' (mainly due to resonances, but also fr aberrations, off axis response, etc, that all show up in measurements, and all of which are audible tells). None of the three models are duds, per shady's response above, but they are different.