What are the BEST Audiophile Tradeshows to Attend?



Audioholics Master Chief
There is a growing list of great audiophile shows around the world that is making the hobby less geo-dependent. The educated consumer is a better consumer and a trip to one or two of these shows can make you much more experienced in audio. As Jimi Hendrix once said “Get Experienced…” which is good advice.

This article takes you on a tour of the top audio trade shows, offering an inside look at each one and highlighting why they’re worth adding to your calendar. Whether you're chasing the latest innovations or planning your next adventure, discover the events that perfectly align with your passion and travel plans.


Which ones are our favorites? Which ones should you avoid? Read our editorial to find out.

Read: What are the Best Audiophile Tradeshows to Attend?
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Audioholic Spartan
Thanks Gene. I wish the Dallas show would have been there before I left DFW in 2020. Live in St Augustine now so I might look into the Tampa show next year. Probably not since its over 200 miles away and I can't afford most of that stuff. But it might be nice to hear best that the High End has to offer. :)


Junior Audioholic
Gene, with all due respect, for me, I see no use in these audio showcases from the standpoint of an end-user. Of course, that’s me and I’ve been around for a million years.

Having been disgusted with the way that the advancement of digital audio has proceeded, the majority of my next system is going to be in software. It’s much cheaper and more efficient. The only problem is that it’s a lot of work. I am up for it.

The other part is that I’m designing my own loud speakers and they will be fully active. Obviously, I’m not your average audiophile.

Also, I am a musician so this is not a hobby to me. It’s a way of life. It’s a large part of life. To make the best possible music mixes, you need the best audio system. I’m not going to pay ridiculous prices for top line loudspeakers and most especially if they are passive.

Active loudspeakers are the best speakers on the planet. That’s not even debatable and I’m not even starting that debate here. It’s just a fact.

And, if you know enough that you can make your own active speakers, the return on investment is incredible. You can make the best speakers in the world and pay drastically less than anything that is comparable that’s a commercial product.

Basically, it costs a lot less to cook at home than eat at restaurants. That analogy is perfect.
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Audioholic Spartan
RMAF was always a favorite of mine, if for no other reason than a great location combined with my youngest son living out there. I haven't been to one since ......
Will Brink

Will Brink

Very useful. I was hoping to attend a show or two this year if i can.


Seriously, I have no life.
Gene, with all due respect, for me, I see no use in these audio showcases from the standpoint of an end-user. Of course, that’s me and I’ve been around for a million years.

Having been disgusted with the way that the advancement of digital audio has proceeded, the majority of my next system is going to be in software. It’s much cheaper and more efficient. The only problem is that it’s a lot of work. I am up for it.

The other part is that I’m designing my own loud speakers and they will be fully active. Obviously, I’m not your average audiophile.

Also, I am a musician so this is not a hobby to me. It’s a way of life. It’s a large part of life. To make the best possible music mixes, you need the best audio system. I’m not going to pay ridiculous prices for top line loudspeakers and most especially if they are passive.

Active loudspeakers are the best speakers on the planet. That’s not even debatable and I’m not even starting that debate here. It’s just a fact.

And, if you know enough that you can make your own active speakers, the return on investment is incredible. You can make the best speakers in the world and pay drastically less than anything that is comparable that’s a commercial product.

Basically, it costs a lot less to cook at home than eat at restaurants. That analogy is perfect.
I am with you and design my own speakers, active and passive. Active allows you to design in a way that is not remotely possible in a passive design.

Please post what you are up to here. I do not own commercial speaker, never have and I hope never will.

I live less than a days drive to Axpona from here, but I have to admit I have never got round to making the trip.
I guess the only interest would be if I heard a better room, than my AV room here. I really doubt I would.


Audioholic Intern
It's interesting to hear about these. I wonder what Munich is like. Living in Chicago, the only one I'm going to is Axpona. Not too bad.


Audioholic Jedi
Don't see any particular reason to attend one....maybe if local and free I might. If they had actual dedicated audio setups in proper rooms with a good comparison setup, maybe interesting....


Should include the Tokyo International Audio Show in the list. Its another "hotel show" usually held in Ginza, but there are some serious audiophile diehards that attend. Best of all they dont scrutinize toward commercial, it is really open to everybody that enjoys audio. Plus in general I find the best vintage gear in Japan and it is because people truly love audio over there. I cant recommend this show enough


This year I went to Axpona and the Pacific Audio Fest. It was my first time at Axpona and my first time in Chicago. I loved it, and it was well worth it. I stayed in a hotel 10 minutes from the show and it was very reasonable. There were also several restaurants nearby including Medival Times, which we went to and enjoyed. The show was great. It was more crowded on Friday than Saturday, which I heard was unusual. There were tons of rooms, and it was so nice to see so much equipment as well as talk to the actual people behind the product. I will go back again.

Pacific Audio Fest this year (my 3rd since I live in Portland) was a very BIG disappointment. Only 30 rooms and I didn't hear anything that really caught my attention. The people who run Capitol Audio Fest, also run this one and they said PAF will now be a bi-annual event.
I feel that they haven't promoted the show, and I've heard that vendors are losing interest and there were hardly any people in attendance. Both Sat and Sunday, I had several of the rooms to myself, which is good because they will often play your request, which is even better, as most exhibitors play the worst music. The PAF show is interesting to me because Seattle is home to some of the biggest companies in the world. Which means, there is also a lot of income in that part of the country, but very little interest in Home Audio. But that is also a PNW thing as well. I think PAF will probably be cancelled.

I feel this is a weakening industry and I would think manufacturers would be jumping at a chance to showcase their equipment. The Home Audio market here in the PNW is very small. Every store carries the same brands as well. Focal, B&W, MacIntosh, and Rotel. It's sad, because there is so much better gear out there that will never be experienced, especially with a poor show like PAF.

Those who have commented about how shows have terrible rooms, and equipment is over-priced (which it is), and that they can make better speakers at home, should stay home, and not attend. However, they don't need to sit on a high horse and chide people who enjoy going to the shows, talking to people, and hearing and seeing new gear.
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Senior Audioholic
I am with you and design my own speakers, active and passive. Active allows you to design in a way that is not remotely possible in a passive design.

Please post what you are up to here. I do not own commercial speaker, never have and I hope never will.

I live less than a days drive to Axpona from here, but I have to admit I have never got round to making the trip.
I guess the only interest would be if I heard a better room, than my AV room here. I really doubt I would.
I can not say without an Honest Opinion of my thought on this. I couldn't find any reason to disagree with this post especially with the two paragraphs I quoted from the original poster.

With all of the trade-offs, One must consider diminishing returns of climbing up this chain,

Music many years ago was a way of life for me. I use to be a musician also. I do "grasp" the concept of the OP poster comment."

Now if I only had a time machine. with the means and knowledge that I have now, I would have taken the advice of an old wise man that I had a lot of admiration for." K.J, B," Stated in a conversation about active speakers. No comparison. Without considering diminishing returns up the chain. With home audio.

Speaking myself, I won't get into which amp (Design) one would stuff inside of speaker. Considering Longevity, reliability comes to mind though. With All of the great Advances in class D technology. Out side of Class D amps that Professional DJ use. I won't name any brands or manufacturers of commercial. Class D amps. Not here to start a pissing contest in any sandbox. I'll leave my thoughts and opinion of OP post, on his thoughts, on the Original topic of this Thread.

"(Also, I am a musician so this is not a hobby to me. It’s a way of life. It’s a large part of life.) To make the best possible music mixes, you need the best audio system. I’m not going to pay ridiculous prices for top line loudspeakers and most especially if they are passive."

"Basically, it costs a lot less to cook at home than eat at restaurants.( That analogy is perfect".)
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Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic Chief
Thanks for the article. Looks like worthy road trips for when I retire. I could definitely get my wife to go to Florida in February. She can sit by the pool while I drool.

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