And the price seems a bit low, how do these compare with say Anthem or Parasound stuff?
Well, first of all, you gotta do an apples to apples comparision. So you can't compare an 80wpc Parasound amp to a 300wpc emotiva amp... the latter will wipe the floor even if the cost is the same.
The anthem stuff has never piqued my interest. I would never bother with an anthem electronic. I'm always under the (maybe misguided??) impression that they've got mediocre electronic design.
The parasound stuff is nice if it's got adequate power. The resale value is nice too. Just make sure it's rated for plenty of power... you're doing yourself a disservice if you get one of these brick and mortar brands based on name recognition and they underperform - and that's what happens all the time. One member here has a parasound amp and a crown amp and greatly prefers the crown.
Is this one of the first low-end of the high-end digital amps that actually sounds as good as a good class A/B???
The XLS1000/1500/2000/2500 is indeed class D, which are
analog pulse wave modulating amps. Yes it sounds great, in fact i'd be inclined to pick it over most amps out there, except for the aesthetic appeal of monoblocks
The signal to noise ratio won't be as unbelievably low as the pricier ATI amps, but i don't consider that an issue with an 85db sensitive speaker. SNR is only a problem with 100db sensitive speakers IMO.
Still, if you're willing to shell out for an ATI 3002, it's not a bad choice. Pricy, though.
I have just read the reviews of the pioneer stuff, and it seems good for what it is, but still could use a bit of improving.
I think that pioneer class D stuff is severely limited at the power supply, before it ever hits the amplification stage. Those same ICEPower modules pioneer used to use, when implemented correctly, perform purty darn well, IE these beauties:
Seymour AV | Ice Block Amplifiers
So it's just a matter of Pioneer's implementation IMO. That said, with their 2012 lineup they've updated the amp sections to their new D^3 circuits. I'm interested to find out out more about them!!
Also, if I do go with one of the above mentioned amps, then what pre amp should I get, or what receiver. A Denon AVR3311. Is that a good match still, or should I get something a bit nicer?
I would get a 4311 rather than a 3311, but otherwise it should be a nice choice. I do like the Marantz SR500x if you don't want to spend a world on the receiver section.
Kinda thinking about using a receiver to power all 4 surrounds, and then a real amp for the front 3.
That's what I do. For the most part it's fine. If I had the budget I'd go with a dedicated processor and outbound amps all the way though, as the amp sections on my receiver tend to make the receiver warm to the touch, whereas my outbound amps run cool as ice. It has nothing to do with performance, and everything to do with my comfort level with the low heat electronics.
The 4311, by the way, allows you to shut off all amplifier channels and operate it as a dedicated processor.