I bought lots of audio gear in the 1970's and thankfully I can find information and reviews about most of the stuff at hifiengine.com/ and
https://worldradiohistory.com/ It's strange that in a world of Class D amplifiers that .03 % THD would be unacceptable to a lot of a crowd that expects THD+N to be an order of magnitude or more less. We are dealing with levels of distortion that is perceivable only to my dog or bats (or is my dog bats?).
Regarding cassette decks, you will not get the best results unless the deck is adjusted for the tape you use, including bias and level. Dolby will magnify any inaccuracies in frequency response and the sound level coming off the tape should be the same as what is going onto the tape. I've been lucky in that I've located a service technician who can properly adjust my cassette decks for the tapes I use in addition to getting 40 year old machines to function properly electronically and mechanically. The fact that manufacturers could take a dictation format and massage it to the point that it could create copies almost indistinguishable from the original source is a testament to their dedication and perseverance.