This has been a quiet peaceful corner of the world, until this weekend....
On Friday I woke up to a peaceful moment looking out at the calm water outside my living room window thinking this is such a peaceful nice place....
Saturday I woke up looking out the same window seeing a horrible country that is filled with insecurity, killing, violence, not peaceful anymore....
Our country has forever changed....
The only highly protected building in Oslo is the US embassy, this will change now..... as security will be tightened everywhere.... probably....
US was changed forever... by Oklahoma bombing, shooting massacres in schools and 9.11....
Now our country will never be the same again....
The story that is gathering through what's written is ever more shocking every day......
The guy wanted to make a revolution through Europe via violence and the shootings were just a means of making sure that people would listen to him, this wan not even the main target but merely way for him to be able to speak via mass-media.....
The big bomb is Downtown Oslo seemed to be just a distraction towards his more imminent targets.
I have nothing more to say because there are no words to describe things like this.................