Thought I'd chime in. I watched WOTW last weekend. Is sounded pretty good, had some great LFE usage going below 20Hz as the trucks drive past in the opening sequence where you first see Tom Cruise. As tripods first emerge from underground had great subsonics, and some of the distant gunfire later in the movie sounded cool.
I normally have my 3805 set at -7 for all movies
Speaker are LCR 8ohm Surrounds 6ohm, efficiency is 90db all round, levels are:
C 0.0
L -1.0
R -0.5
Sub 0.0,
Surrounds hover around -2.5
This setup gives, at the listening position, around 115db peaks. On the weekends I bump the sub up a couple of notches which gives me 120db-122db peaks(which was measured with the sub at 20% volume) I haven't measured with the volumes higher than that, but I watched Jurassic Park superbit version with the sub at 30% volume and the servo turned down to give it more leash and it must have been pushing over 125db at my seat

That was loud, it had the whole house and a few of the neighbors houses shaking
I found the mastering of WOTW about right, now 'Underworld' was a hot mastered track, you turn the compression up on that one and even the dialog gets lowered.