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I think the problem is they have been holding price. They have a cartridge of much better quality than is usually found on turntables of this price. I suspect the price should be at least $200 higher than it is now to make a decent turntable with that cartridge.
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I would not advise changing the cartridge. The chance of an Ortofon cartridge being defective is remote in the extreme.
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As I said previously these turntables are now on my to be avoided list and I no longer recommend them.
My current entry recommendation is the U-Turn.
The Ortofon Red retails for $US99, that is not out of line for a turntable of this price. When you are buying moving magnet high volume manufactured cartridges at OEM quantities in bulk packaging (basically, no packaging)*, your cost is at least 60% below retail and could be lower. So we can assume it's contributing perhaps $40 to the retail price, which I feel is reasonable for this price point package. In any case, we can confidently assume that Pro-Ject is buying these from Ortofon at the lowest possible OEM pricing, period, whatever that may be.
The Ortofon Red is a very good cartridge, especially in comparison to other similar priced units. Also Pro-Ject is almost certainly using a jig to align the cartridge at the factory, since manual adjustment would be quite inefficient at the quantities this table sells at. So changing cartridges is probably not the best option.
Perhaps the cartridge moved in transport, though.
I agree the Ortofon itself is probably not the issue here, but it does begin to seem like we can't rule anything out, since the problems seem to persist.
I am a bit surprised that your experience with the Pro-Ject Carbon is one of multiple problems, or that online, owners are having issues. Perhaps there are recent quality control issues?
Don't get me wrong, I like the U-Turn, but it's a unipivot tonearm design. They are excellent performance-wise but especially new users are taken aback by the movement side-to-side rather than simply up-and-down only with gimbal tonearm designs. (A unipivot arm only has one balance point; think a needle coming up from the centre rather than two bearings, one on each side in the vertical direction of travel; two more in the horizontal direction). This is compounded somewhat by the fact that a tonearm lift mechanism is optional on the U-Turn, so many tables ship without one, meaning all movement of the arm to and from the record groove must be done via the finger lift, manually, only.
For experienced vinyl users it would just take a bit of getting used to but for novice users I would recommend one of the others available of suitable entry-level quality, starting with the Fluance 81 ($199 MSRP w/Audio-Technica AT91), Music Hall MMF-1.3 ($299 w Audio-Technica AT-3600) up to the REGA RP1 ($445 MSRP w/Ortofon OMB-5E, the OEM version of the OM-5E) or even the Pioneer 500X Direct Drive ($349 w/Audio-Technica AT-91).
Admittedly none of the included cartridges are the equal of the Ortofon Red ($99 MSRP), but they are not terrible either.
I would be surprised if mechanical airborne resonance is the cause of the problem; that would be a new one in my experience. It would take considerable airborne vibration to move a stylus out of a groove, and you would hear obvious feedback before that point in any case, signalling you to the problem.
*When I had my store, many years ago, we would sell our entry-level cartridge at $35 with a turntable, which was our cost, they carried a $79.95 MSRP. We bought them in boxes with styrofoam trays with 100 round holes where the un-packaged cartridges resided; two trays per box. It was the only cartridge we bought in those quantities and was midway in the line (ADC QLM-36). The next model up (XLM MK II) which we could not afford to buy in bulk cost us about $100 each, and that was with our large quantity discount as we would order the QLMs at the same time. A typical order was 1000 QLMs (5 boxes); anything less and our cost went way up.
This was a time when the Technics SL-1200 MSRP was $329, to put prices in perspective. The entry level composite plinth Kenwood (KD-2055) was $199; a Thorens TD-145/160 was $345, a Linn was about $900, an Oracle about $1200.
The most expensive MM cartridges were under $200 and most Moving Coils were under $400. No cartridge was more than $1000. Note as well these all these prices are in $C, $USD MSRP would be about 20% less.