Vent: "what speakers should I get"



Audioholic Slumlord
In response to the thread title I was going to suggest a (as Swerd calls it) speaker intervention.

Unfortunately, some of them have stayed:

(it's just like that damn fruitcake you get as a gift)
You'd think that after all this time I would have developed something else to obsess about.

Yeah, those fruitcakes are hard as a rock.
I like fruitcake. I have a cherry cheese cake out in the trunk. True story.


Audioholic General
In response to the thread title I was going to suggest a (as Swerd calls it) speaker intervention.

You'd think that after all this time I would have developed something else to obsess about.

I like fruitcake. I have a cherry cheese cake out in the trunk. True story.
I think they should have "Speaker Counselling" like pre-marriage counselling, they should have to take "Speaker Selection/Basics 101" before entering into a "Speaker Relationshio" with Audioholics, expecially the "TOP REP GUY", Alex's new name, and that is a True story.

Because as we all Know as soon as the initial infactuation (err answer) is satisfied, the realtionship is over :p

Peace and Good Sound to All

Forest Man

P.S.- Alex, how long does Thanksgiving last ? :D
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We have a name for those People...

It's December and these people are shopping. Most of them will be gone before New Year's. And then soon after they'll be replaced by the TV shoppers who get sucked in to the ads for the pre Super Bowl TV bargains.

Have patience...
... in Florida... "Snowbirds", they come down here and suck-up all our Sunshine and get our Beaches all Stinky by taking their shoes off and going bare-foot in our nice clean warm sand,stealing all our Theraputic Benefits.And walking around with their Jaws Dropped,Eyes all Bugged-Out...
You'd think they'd never seen Beautiful,Fit,Tanned People in Bathing Suits. Not to mention peeing in our Ocean. And the Traffic Problems they cause, always slowing down to ooh and aah over all the Beautiful Flowering Tropical Plants or Picking Fresh Fruit growing alongside the Road, or asking Directions,where's Disney,how do I get to Busch Gardens,when is the next Shuttle Launch...and on and on. Forget about clogging up all the Malls and Restaurants and Retailers,They even over-flow into the 'Mom and Pops',forcing them to re-stock the shelves and hire extra help to make it through the Season. Ah,but soon they'll be gone and we'll be able to slip back into the normal day to day concerns of Falling Behind,Losing a Job or having to lay people off...'Till Next Season,when they all come back and the Money Starts Flowing Again.

I think it's Analagous to this Thread,whatever gets 'em in the Door is an Asset,exposes them to our Advertisers,Traffic is Good when you're trying to Boost Ad Revenue. Site Visitors are not a Waste of Bandwidth with their Repetitive Queries, that would be like a Teacher getting upset when Students show up at Class. They want to learn,make a wise choice,not waste their money,however short-lived is their enthusiasim. I Agree that some kind of Price-Range Recommendations could be Produced based on a Consensus of Opinion.
Oh Wait... I forgot where I was for a minute...Nevermind.
"Consensus of Opinion"... hehe, made myself laugh...

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