Use of power with a new system



I have a dilemma that I was hoping to get some advice on. I am an old time electronics hack who hasn’t kept up with the times in regards to audio equipment, especially recently. I have a new 500+ sq ft addition with cathedral ceilings being built and I a looking for some suggestions to install a decent sound system on a limited budget (spent too much on the addition). I have a couple of pieces of equipment currently and I was wondering if I should utilize these or go with all new stuff; I have a Hafler PRO5000 power amp (900W @ 8 ohms), I also have a Crown preamp ( I forget the model) it’s a shame to let these sit around doing nothing, are they worth building around, any suggestions would be welcome.

Jimski; audio newbie


Audioholic Samurai
both peices are worth keeping.

both the hafler & the crown are worth keeping & using but it would help make it easier to advise you if we knew what your end goal in the new system is for instance.

what do you want this new system to do,movies,music or both,also what speakers will you be using & what mode will you be looking for like ect,for starters you can get a good 2.1 system up & going for very litle investment with the gear you have now.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
You say a decent sound system. Does this mean 2 channel, or surround? For 2 channel, all you need are speakers and a cd player. Go to to find a match for your high end pre amp/amp.

For a surround system, you'll want to set aside the pre amp, and purchase a newer surround receiver. You can use the two channel amp to power front towers, while the surround amps in the receiver power the center, surrounds, and surround backs (in a 7.1 setup). The most important purchase regarding HT would be the subwoofer, then the speakers, then the receiver. In regards to the speakers, the center channel is the most important speaker when dealing with Home Theater.

You need to decide on a budget for each piece, giving the bulk to the speakers and subwoofer. You'll need a surround receiver that has pre-outs - generally in the $500+ category. A good 12" ported subwoofer will set you back $500 - $1400 (especially one in a room as large as yours). With speakers - the sky's the limit.


Room expectations

Thanks for the feedback, I have the room wired for 7 speakers and a sub. 4 of the speakers are wired to mount on the soffits between the wall and the ceiling. I was originally thinking that I would use wall speakers, but everything I've read has steered me away from that thought. I would like to have a WOW room and system, but my budget will probably be in the $1000 - 1500 range for audio. That's why I would like to utilize the Hafler amp, I presently have a 55" screen and have wired the room to accomodate a projector at some point. With an 18' span to the screen I can have a nice 100+" picture.


Seriously, I have no life.
jimski said:
Thanks for the feedback, I have the room wired for 7 speakers and a sub. 4 of the speakers are wired to mount on the soffits between the wall and the ceiling. I was originally thinking that I would use wall speakers, but everything I've read has steered me away from that thought. I would like to have a WOW room and system, but my budget will probably be in the $1000 - 1500 range for audio. That's why I would like to utilize the Hafler amp, I presently have a 55" screen and have wired the room to accomodate a projector at some point. With an 18' span to the screen I can have a nice 100+" picture.
Just a comment on your projection install. That distance may be too far back as some projectors like to be at their minimum throw distance for max light on screen.
That Haffler is very useful but you need a processor and other amps/receiver if you want multichannel sound system.
The pre is fine for two channel operation:D

Your budget will dictate your other components.



Say that my budget is $1500. I have no speakers just wires, I do have the Hafler AMP, Crown PreAMP and I can utilize my CD/DVD units from another room if I want to spend more on other things. When you say I need a processor; what do you mean? I'm new to this stuff so any information would be most welcomed. On the projector distance I can go from 16' - 24' from the other wall any closer I would have to mount it from the cathedral ceiling. I guess I'll have to make sure the projector can handle that span, but that's part of phase two anyway. Thanks for your help.


Audioholic Samurai
you can use what you have.

you can use both peices of gear that you now have & use other (bolt on) processors,dvd player & speakers at a minimul cost.

here is a link to an add on processor from ebay that will allow you surround sound & still be able to use your pre & power amp,with this peice half the equasion is solved at little cost.

Or............ at even less cost you can simply buy a NILES AUDIO speaker selector that will allow you to use multiple sets of speakers from a single power amp,the trick to this approach is to get a speaker selector that has independant volume control for each channel & that is able to use different impendance speakers so you are not forced into a certian ohmage speaker for both pairs.

im going do differ with the other posts in reccomending that you invest the bulk of your budget in a GOOD pair of full range main speakers that can dig down to 20hz or as close to that as possible,for me a good dynamic sound with high impact is the most important thing in watching movies,sub's are not needed if your mains are able to give up the bass & you are not using an internal xover inside the preamp which your crown dont have anyway.

If i was in your budget range with the nice gear you have allready i'd do this.

1 use the crown cost:)

2 use the hafler amp to power all speakers because its a great amp with plenty of cost:)

3 buy this niles speaker selector...........very little cost.......:)

4 Look for clean used speakers from cerwin vega or NHT,like these for your mains.

5 The same brand used for your mains should be used for the rears if possible as its easier to voice match the speakers,like these for rears.

6 You can add a center channel by using another speaker out tap on the niles speaker selector & achieve a blended l&r center signal ,here is a decent model.

by running your gear in this fashion you will not have true surround sound but you will have a great sounding system that is highly dynamic for watching movies,for me the dynamics of the sound are the most important thing in watching movies ,wit the niles unit you can adjust the different speakers volume levels so the rears & center give a well blended mix , i can live without the sound of a stray bullet whizzing from behing my head,there is very little sound that really comes from rear & side speakers in a true surrround system.

i have my big rig set up in this same fashion & i much prefer the way it sounds over the previous versions i had when i was running 5.1,the gear you have now plus the gear i listed in the links will blow away any $1,000 htib system that you get at best buy.

just some suggestions.


Seriously, I have no life.
jimski said:
Say that my budget is $1500. I have no speakers just wires, I do have the Hafler AMP, Crown PreAMP and I can utilize my CD/DVD units from another room if I want to spend more on other things. When you say I need a processor; what do you mean? I'm new to this stuff so any information would be most welcomed. On the projector distance I can go from 16' - 24' from the other wall any closer I would have to mount it from the cathedral ceiling. I guess I'll have to make sure the projector can handle that span, but that's part of phase two anyway. Thanks for your help.

While I mentioned minimum distance, projectors do have a range of operation and your distance should fall into most projectors range, at least the shorter distances would. The problem may be light output on screen.

A processor decodes Dolby 5.1 and more or DTS 5.1 and more audio on DVD discs. DVD players can do this too, but then, in your case, you need a preamp for each channel of audio, you have two covered now, and amp for each channel, again, you have two channel. Don't include the .1 as that is the sub and most subs today have their own amps but not preamp.

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