Yes, use the minidsp to set crossovers and Dirac Live to do the room rc/eq. That's because the DL with minidsp won't have the bass control "BC" feature, and that's why I use the DLBC PC standalone version instead.
The way you describe your intended use is not 100% clear to me, that's why it would be nice if you can include a diagram. As to ban25's point about delays, that is true but I wouldn't worry much about it because the difference could be compensated for, by using the mini, and in fact DL should be able to compensate the delays as well between outputs.
I agree, a diagram would be helpful because I have a vision in my mind of what you're trying to do, but I'm not sure that matches what you're asking.
Thanks for the info.
This would be the chain with my biamped fronts and surrounds using the Mini DSP Flex HT with a 2x4 with 5 separate amps:
• Dirac L -> Out 1/2 -> Hi/Low L -> Stereo Amp
• Dirac R -> Out 3/4 -> Hi/Low R -> Stereo Amp
• Dirac Sub -> Out 5 > Powered Sub
• Dirac C -> Out 6 -> C -> Amp
• Dirac SL -> Out 7 -> 2x4 In 1 -> 2x4 Out 1/2 -> SL Hi/Low -> Stereo Amp
• Dirac SR -> Out 8 -> 2x4 In 2 -> 2x4 Out 3/4 -> SR Hi/Low -> Stereo Amp
Since I now know that Dirac doesn’t handle active Hi/Low crossovers then it seems that pooling data between two Mini DSP Dirac units for the surround calibration would have no benefit with my configuration if it was possible. The idea was basically forming a single Mini DSP with 10 outputs to run Dirac for my layout.
Maybe a regular Flex unit instead of 2x4 would be beneficial because it has a better DAC and noise floor.
Is Dirac Bass control just for independent subs or also functions as an active Hi/Low biamp crossover? I know MiniDSP doesn’t support Bass Control but I could look into other options.
Thanks again