These forums, from time to time, can definitely have a few that act really harsh. It's up to you if you want to participate, but these forums don't always accept opinions that fly in the face of fact for darn sure. Mostly, people try to stick with facts over opinion here or if it is opinion over fact, many try to emphasize that it is just their opinion.
With that said, I spent a few minutes looking over your recent posts, and it seems like you are posting on topic and information that is based on knowledge and intelligence and everything I saw was solid. Responses to your posts were all favorable (from what I looked at).
Be very aware that there are always some new guys that come on that just want people to validate their stupidity. Telling them that a setup is ignoring industry standards just pisses them off and they lash out.
So, a little thick skin at times is necessary.
I think in the (10+?) years I've been here I've reported like 2 or 3 people who have just rampaged against me.
I would hate to lose your thoughts because they do seem to be intelligent. I'm guessing this thread may disappear sooner rather than later, but if you do read this, know that one or two harsh critics is part of the online lifestyle and shouldn't be taken personally, even if they act like complete douches.
I've even called out some long time posters for being really critical of stupid low-budget ideas. Yeah, we can point out the issues with those systems, but if they are asking for help, then lets not JUST be critical, lets try to be helpful. Well, until that poster continues to ignore us, posts all the time, and can't figure out how to use the 'EDIT' and 'QUOTE' buttons.