You know what I'm discovering? And it makes sense to me too. I'm enjoying my music at lower volumes now. These VTF-3's barely need to move to produce deep bass and they're big enough for me to still feel it. Don't get me wrong, when I'm home alone or a favorite song comes up I'm turning it up, but for some background noise at low volumes it sounds better than with smaller subs. It's still enjoyable.
Some updated pics. We just got some new carpet too. My wife wanted tile. I stood firm on carpet. Acoustic reasons and I just like it better.
That's Misty in the foreground. She likes Tool and Chevelle too.

I love this system and you guys helped me put it together. Thanks to everyone who put up with my slow learning curve and endless questions. I really mean it. This is the best sounding system I've ever owned.
I'd like to have the subs a little more symmetrical, but that's where they sound the best. if I move the left one on the other side of the speaker it'll be in a corner (with a sliding glass door) firing right into the end of a sofa. Plus it's a dead spot when doing the crawl. I'd also have to move the main speakers closer together and I'd actually like them further apart.
On the right is a little (very little) entry and the door swings in. I have about 1/4" clearance between it and the sub when the door is open. It's in the best spot judging from the sub crawl. The one on the left is in the 2nd best spot. That's why I started the thread on wireless options for at least one of them. I'd like to get one behind me and see how it behaves or if I'll have any localization issues. Then I'd be able to get some more distance between my mains.
Right now they're ~9 1/2 feet apart and I sit 14 1/2' from them, right in the middle. I took the pics from my chair. I think I can get them to at least 13' apart by moving the sub on the right into the kitchen behind me, though it does have tile floors. Will that pose any issues?