You picked on me too much already? Disagreement establishes no superiority of position. I'm not the little kid with braces. I suppose Barnum's "Law of Gullibility" applies anywhere it is brought into a conversation?
Anyone waiting for DBT testing to prove this or that will never have exceptional sound in their home. It might be good enough for them, but it will not be incredible.
This arises from overactive skepticism and an underlying belief that no improvements short of speakers has any effect on sound. Of course, the fact that speakers only play the signal they are given is meaningless.
It might be that power cables don't make a difference. Or, it might be that interconnects don't have an effect. Or, vibration control. Possibly EMF/RFI are figments of gullible imaginations. Ditto for CD copies. Amplifiers. But, all of them?
The problem is that believing all of it is hooey denies benefits of any of them - the entire idea of improvements in the signal path is written off. What if half of the unprovable/unproven possibilities are valid? What if they provide benefits, but not strikingly enough to pass DBT muster. Combined, a significant improvement could be realized.
It is undeniable that a LOT of people believe their sound can be improved. This relegates the "nothing matters, why try" regimen to a smug viewpoint only.
Here's a DBT for you to take on, disbelievers: Build a good system, with purpose-built components, good wires, vibration control, do it right. Then, hook that up to a killer pair of speakers. Also, for the comparison, hook up your system to the same speakers. Tell me with a straight face they sound the same.
That would be meaningful. Sound ridiculous? Why? All the things I hold to matter shouldn't matter, even in combination. However, when they are put together, a monkey would be able to tell the difference. Then, you might actually see the light. It's OK not to spend money on upgrades. Explaining that as justified for lack of effect is blind. Maybe repeating it a thousand times will make it true. Or a million.
Actually, the prevailing thought in this forum is bumming me out. Saying the same stuff to the same people just isn't invigorating and it isn't helping me grow.