[=miklorsmith]PS audio says shielded power cables can minimize EMF intrusion to the rest of your cables. They also claim power cables are the most important in the chain, followed by speaker cables, then interconnects. I've never heard anybody accusing PS Audio of snakeoilery.
Perhaps if you lay the other cables right next to the power cable. Easy fix to separate them. Why would they be immune from passing out bum info?
Of course, skeptics will tell you nothing you do to your system but the speakers and where they sit will affect the sound. Be skeptical of them. Every author I've come across believes power cables affect the sound of a highly resolving system.
Of course skeptics don't tell you this, just another fabrication by some.
Every psychic I have seen will tell you that they are for real. So what? Every one of those authors can be wrong. No magic to that.
What is needed for every author is to demonstrate their beliefs under bias controlled conditions, right? Then it would not be just a belief.
Be skeptical of believers not based in evidence.
Dan Wright, a respected modifier (and now preamp producer) has recently performed a comparison test of power cables to a CD player:
Respected by whom? His customers?
I see he stated he didn't conduct a DBT and I didn't see any measurement data at the speaker terminal to show differences. So, in the end, his review is biased, not much value.
However, power cables were recently shown to be irrelevant in a double-blind shootout. Hmmm. . .I've looked for the link to that one but I can't find it. I'm sure one of our resident skeptics can help me out.
Well, yes, that was shown by a golden ear audio club in CA? While the test has problems, it is more than Dan Wright has done, no?
Anyway, it's not so simple as writing it off. There are as many people who believe the merits as those who choose to write it off based on their own preconceptions. FYI - in addition to Mr. Wright's observations, the Audience cords won at least two on-line "power cable of the year" awards.
So, make up your own mind.
Remember the psychics and their followers. They too believe.