I am a big proponent of truly upgrading if you're going to take the plunge. What that means is when you step from one generation of equipment to the next its a real, audible, "oh wow", upgrade. No doubt about it you upgraded.
Far too many posters come here and complain about their latest purchase because it really isn't any better than what they had, or, it has some new side effect they also don't care fore.
So, to truly upgrade your system you need to understand what it is you don't like or find a shortfall in your current system. "Not exactly unhappy" with your current system leaves you wide open for disappointment if you just spend a few hundred bucks on "something else". What will most likely happen is you will once again be "not exactly happy" either.
Some critical listening is in order. What is it you don't like, or , would like your system to do better? Find the shortcoming and know what it is. Then you can pursue new stuff that truly tops it. And truly topping an existing system can cost a lot more than you might guess. But when you're done, you've gone a real upgrade.
There is no lack of opinion here on the AH. We will spend all the money you have and them some. No sweat.
But, knowing what you're trying to fix is pretty key. Then finding out if your new ideas are truly "better" is the next step.