Fair enough, in that case I can only comment on the A21 because I have one. I will comment on your class D and preamp question too, but on in general terms. I found the A21 is just a neutral high quality power amp, nothing special about it. I also know a well designed class D amp can sound transparent as I have auditioned Bel Canto's a few times and the first time I didn't even know it was class D. Any Classé class AB amps will have better build quality than the A21, but won't sound different in properly conducted comparison listening with bias are removed. I have never listen to any of the class D Classé amps so I can only assume they too will be better built than the Halo amps.
So between the two, I would keep the AM2 if form factor, weight and heat are important factors. For values only, I would keep the A21. On the preamp side, from my experience (still own a few), once expectation bias is removed, you can pick one based on specs, just to make sure it can drive the power amp to rated output with room to spare. None of this may help you though, if you are one of those people who can hear the kind of difference in SQ as mentioned in post# 20, between ICs.