One year ago until July, I was having severely painful RA attacks (most call them "flares". I prefer the term "attacks" as it is way more accurate). The attacks were daily, usually 2 or 3 in various joints at once. It was the worst stretch since I've had the disease for approx 14 years. So then last July, I bought a grounding mat that I sleep on and also an an 8 ft copper grounding post that I pounded 7 feet deep in the backyard.
So do this. With your multimeter on the lowest volt setting, hold the positive lead between your fingers and touch the neg to a ground (you can use the ground pin on a household outlet) or inset it into the grass if you are outside. Don't touch the metal on the ground lead yet. If you are outside, wear shoes or just don't touch the ground yet. You should get about 3 volts. I got 3.14. Now, keep the same connection, but touch the grass or your ground anywhere on your body. Your body voltage goes down to about .23 volts. What is going on? Don't ask me! I am far from a scientist. Also, look at youtube videos of blood under a microscope before and after grounding (search "earthing" or "grounding" to look it up). Before, the cells are basically stagnant and clumped together. After even just a short period of time grounding, the cells are clearly moving and not clumped at all. So, you can see something is for sure going on.
My non-scientific results are that I have had two, TWO! attacks since about a week into daily grounding. Both were very severe and painful. The last one was about 10 weeks ago where it was the worst one I have ever had. The first one, I told
@TLS Guy about when I was at his house picking up his bookshelf speakers. I remember I was mostly recovered from that attack at the time. But only two plus several minor fleeting ones that do not measure up to my term "attack". I'd say that is pretty doggone good. Well beyond what I was hoping for. My blood markers have not changed. Mark, if you want to see my charts, I am sure you could interpret them better than I could, as 99% of the data on them are Greek to me. But I hardly ever even have the minor, fleeting indications like in my knuckles, etc that I used to have daily. My meds have not changed, but I should probably get an appointment with my RA doc to have him decrease them a bit.
I ran two solid copper wires from the post into the house. The other wire goes to the living room where I wear a brass bracelet for watching TV that is alligator clipped to the wire. That bracelet was a gift from my mom to my dad in 1948. I am aware that I shouldn't use these when there is potential inclement weather. I have skipped those nights.
So there ya go!