Unraveling of America? Is the decline of our "empire" a given at this point?



Audioholic Spartan
There are actually Trump admirers up here and I have come across a couple of them. Ask them how he is doing a great job and they cannot articulate it. It's just, "Well, he just tells it like it is", or "He puts his country first" and so on. I just don't get it.
Now that surprises me.


Audioholic Spartan
Which part? That they can't articulate how he's done a great job, or that I can't understand their admiration?
That any Canadian would admire Trump. I don’t understand their admiration at all.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Have any of you actually talked to Trump supporters? You know, had an actual conversation? I'm not talking about just Republicans who think the Democrats just want to tax and regulate them to death, I'm talking about people who actually think Trump is doing a great job.
There are Republicans and there are trumpublicans. Huge difference.

My stepson and my stepdaughter's fiancee fall into the latter category. They think COVID is a joke (even though the fiancee got sick, along with my daughter, her mom, myself...), think the few dollars extra in their check is some major accomplishment with no regard of how it's going to f*ck up their children's future. They really just like hearing people they perceive as "weak" getting insulted constantly. trump brings that out in people such as them. He says out loud what they feel deep inside.

Both of them treat their ladies like sh*t much of the time. Condescension towards women seems to be a common trait among the hardcore.

True Republicans look at the issues and policies. They may well still vote for trump but they aren't acting like cultists.


Audioholic Warlord
That any Canadian would admire Trump. I don’t understand their admiration at all.
I hear ya. Of course, they comprise a very small proportion of the population, compared with the US, but they are here.


Audioholic Warlord
There are Republicans and there are trumpublicans. Huge difference.

My stepson and my stepdaughter's fiancee fall into the latter category. They think COVID is a joke (even though the fiancee got sick, along with my daughter, her mom, myself...), think the few dollars extra in their check is some major accomplishment with no regard of how it's going to f*ck up their children's future. They really just like hearing people they perceive as "weak" getting insulted constantly. trump brings that out in people such as them. He says out loud what they feel deep inside.

Both of them treat their ladies like sh*t much of the time. Condescension towards women seems to be a common trait among the hardcore.

True Republicans look at the issues and policies. They may well still vote for trump but they aren't acting like cultists.
Those "true Republicans" need to do some deep thinking before they vote this year. If they have any real sense of responsibility, they will understand that the current administration is not acting in their best interests.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Those "true Republicans" need to do some deep thinking before they vote this year. If they have any real sense of responsibility, they will understand that the current administration is not acting in their best interests.
Many have. I'm sure anecdotally we all know friends or co-workers who are open about their buyer's remorse. A former boss even said he didn't care if the best democrats could do was fresh roadkill; he'd vote for roadkill before voting for trump again. And he said that back in 2017. It didn't take long for him to regret his vote.

The Lincoln Project is further evidence. I'm certain that if Biden wins they will go back to being the enemy of Democrats for 2022, 2024 and beyond, but for today they see the dangers of 4 more years of this trajectory.


Audioholic Field Marshall
And Democratic supporters believe that Political party will? Neither Political party has anyone's best interest at heart. You guys seem Fit on blaming the nutjob in the white house. How about taking a hard look at the whole Republican party including everyone of them cocksuckers in Congress and including all the Democrat cocksuckers in Congress. Trump? Who put that Clown in office? You? Me? all of the others? was the fix in? Money talks bullsh$t walks! Trump is "Propped" wake the f..k up! Bigger money than anyone on AH has, put that "Puppet" clown in office. Now you guys want what? Another "Puppet" put in office? There where Better Candidates running on both sides for the office of President. before The last presidential election with Hillary and Trump, there where Much better again running this time around. Yeah okay, you guys keep believing its all about Race, racism, equality and injustice Political policies. Until you get corporate America out of the equation and remove the corruption nothing will change!
I'd rather move forward at 5 MPH than reverse at 30. I also doubt Biden would simply ignore the disease that will have claimed nearly a quarter million Americans by election day. He might not be enough, but he will be an improvement. Would I prefer large sweeping changes upfront? Absolutely. Do I expect it? Nope. But we have to start somewhere.

I am a huge proponent of term limits for Congress. I don't want 70 and 80 year old motherfuckers making laws for my kids and grandkids. The world is changing too fast to leave dinosaurs in charge. I bet that's one Amendment we could still get through even as divided as the nation is right now. Most could agree on that.


Audioholic Overlord
@KEW, I just started reading your Tread very Interesting so far. But I don't feel that the few post are Do you reading the thread on child trafficking sex trafficking industry. Yes it's a Business whenever money is involved. So this Subjects needs to be Addressed as @KEW Thread states "unraveling of America" @Kvn_Walker. I ran across that lil f..kup Series on Netflix when I first signed up for Netflix, Yes Netflix has far Worse movies that are Pumping out Sexually explicit Teens "Exploring" their So called sexual freedom. Here in America where I live there are several dance studios that cater to preteens and teens. I have 3 Granddaughters, when I first ran across that show "Cuties" on Netflix after about 5 minutes of watching it made me sick to my Stomach to see how the Blind adults acted in that show. From jump of the first Minute I had an issue with the outfits them children were wearing. Those outfits, immediately came to mind of the dance studios here while I live, are Exactly the same outfits. Thing is, The parents that sign their pre-teen and teenage daughters up for those dance studios think it's cute for their Preteen daughters and teens all dressed up like Adult women in those So-called dance studio outfits. But with that said far Worse is going on in other countries of sexual exploitation of preteens and teens and sex trafficking. Hell other Countries Parents sell their children into so called Legal marriage at the Tender age of 12 years old. The mess We are watching go down now did start with the Politicians we have up in Washington now, untill Corruption is cleaned up within our Government, Nothing will change! Nothing! No matter who is put in that lil White House. Some feel that it starts or started with Sitting presidents Wrong! It's the Political party's that it starts with way before a Elected president sits down In that chair in oval office of the White House. @Swerd, is one of the few AH members on this forum that has A very good grasp of The two political parties has been running this country for decades if not the last century.
On the topic of child/sex trafficking, there are lots of people who claim to be trying to eliminate it; however, I don't understand why no one seems to be targeting the market!
Whenever they do a bust, it is always the traffickers that are being arrested. As long as there are people willing to pay serious money for this service, there will be ambitious people (without low/no moral compass) will to gamble on cashing in on a big payday. From the buyer's standpoint, I suspect if there is a major bust, for the buyers, it equates to a simple "scheduling delay"!
If, instead of busting the traffickers immediately, the authorities followed through the closing of the deals and then bust and publicly expose the buyers, so the buyers are at risk, I think it would change the market. Right now, the buyers are free and clear (AFAIK)! Of course, you would still bust teh traffickers, but the idea that busting traffickers is fixing the issue is not realistic (unless they can bust 100%).
Of course it is not so easy as it sounds. There are real hard questions about knowingly allowing the trafficking to continue as opposed to immediately freeing the children, but you would think that the traffickers would have some type of records of where they are planning to deliver the kids.
I realize that this is a very complex situation as far as not allowing a false list to destroy innocent people, but I would like to know that there are people who are sitting down with others that have a solid understanding of the legal and moral issues to better pressure the buyers/market so it is reduced if not eliminated.


Seriously, I have no life.
One side acts, the other reacts. Then, the first side reacts to the reactions of the opposite side and it never ends. Not sure which acted first, but I saw that in the Senate, there's a movement to limit SCOTUS terms to 18 years and the Democrats plan to pack it. That's a problem. It also took a giant set of balls for anyone in Congress to even mention it, in light of the fact that some have held office for over 40 years. Personally, I think Congress needs term limits, then we can see where that takes us.

Jerry Nadler said "Filling the SCOTUS vacancy during a lame duck session, after the American people have voted for new leadership, is undemocratic and a clear violation of the public trust in elected officials. Congress would have to act and expanding the court would be the right place to start."
1:04 PM · Sep 19, 2020

No, it wouldn't and he's assuming Biden will win- he needs to plan for all possibilities.

They're spending time on politicking when the country has other problems. Defunding the police will not go well, anywhere. In Milwaukee, the Mayor's new budget proposal calls for eliminating 120 officers, when the murder rate has more than doubled over last year, car theft/jacking/chases are at an insane level, violent crime is up, officers have already quit and now, the idiots from the city are rampaging through the surrounding areas, creating mayhem. It's going to reach the point of people protecting themselves without calling 911 first because, as the saying goes, "When seconds matter, the Police are only minutes away" but eventually, they'll be an hour away. Or more. I couldn't sleep last night because of the noise from sirens, loud cars racing and being chased, gunfire......

This week, an immigration lawyer was gunned down by a bicyclist after some kind of traffic dispute. The guy on the bike rode up and punched the lawyer who was inside the car, before his wife pulled the car ahead and the guy got out. Then, he was shot.

Seattle is having problems with insurance because of CHOP and billion dollar firms are leaving but the Mayor blames everyone but herself.

How are New York and Chicago doing? DiBlasio just announced that 9K city workers will be furloughed because of the upcoming money crisis. Doing a great job!

Why would anyone want to live in a large city, when it's just going to get worse?


Seriously, I have no life.
I am a huge proponent of term limits for Congress. I don't want 70 and 80 year old motherfuckers making laws for my kids and grandkids. The world is changing too fast to leave dinosaurs in charge. I bet that's one Amendment we could still get through even as divided as the nation is right now. Most could agree on that.
There's only a couple of groups who can put forth a Constitutional Amendment and that's a member of Congress or a state legislature, probably through a Constitutional Convention. WRT term limits, we might as well ask them to decrease their pay and benefits because that's not going to happen, either.

A guy on a local radio show says "I have a big problem listening to billionaires telling millionaires what the Middle Class needs".


Audioholic Warlord
Yes, Netflix has far worse movies that are pumping out sexually explicit teens "exploring" their so called sexual freedom…

Here in America where I live there are several dance studios that cater to preteens and teens. I have 3 Granddaughters, when I first ran across that show "Cuties" on Netflix after about 5 minutes of watching it made me sick to my Stomach to see how the Blind adults acted in that show. From jump of the first Minute I had an issue with the outfits them children were wearing. Those outfits, immediately came to mind of the dance studios here while I live, are Exactly the same outfits. Thing is, The parents that sign their pre-teen and teenage daughters up for those dance studios think it's cute for their Preteen daughters and teens all dressed up like Adult women in those So-called dance studio outfits.
Did you watch all of Cuties? Or did you turn it off after the first 5 minutes? The makers of Cuties intended to make viewers angry and upset by what they saw. It is highly disturbing to see that. Their message was that this is wrong, and has dangerous consequences. Netflix was foolish and wrong to market that movie the way they did. It was as if they never watched the whole movie.

I personally think this business of getting pre-teen girls to dress and act like certain types of adult women (let's not mince words, sluts) has been going on for decades. There is too much on TV, movies, and advertising that encourages 12 year-old girls to become Adult Female Impersonators. Look at advertising for makeup, hair products, or Barbie Dolls. It has become widespread in our culture and society. There is even a branch of psycho-therapy that treats damaged or suicidal teenage girls who have suffered from this.

None of it was caused directly or indirectly by any politicians in Washington or any state. There have been some who tried to exploit this as political football, but they never intended to do anything about it. And I'm not sure any law could stop parents who are too weak to resist this kind of pressure.
@Swerd, is one of the few AH members on this forum that has A very good grasp of The two political parties has been running this country for decades if not the last century.
I'm glad to know someone out there thinks I'm as wise as I KNOW I am :rolleyes:.

But you should also know that I have never in my life voted for a GOP presidential candidate. In fact, the last time I voted for any GOP candidate for any office was in the early 1990's for a GOP candidate running for Congress in my district.


Audioholic Spartan
I will say this AH, Steam vent is full of dumb old a$$hats, :p Me, @Irvrobinson, @lovinthehd @Alex2507 and a few other that's been on AH since before my time on AH.:p But since they where here first at least I didn't set the Standard first. The older member a$$hater's are known Worldwide I'm just Locally known here,:p:D all in fun guys I'm out gotta take my new Samsung dryer back to Lowe's that's defective! that I got on the 15th of this month. Cheers!:D
What does this gibberish mean? Can you translate into English for us?


Audioholic Spartan
I am a huge proponent of term limits for Congress. I don't want 70 and 80 year old motherfuckers making laws for my kids and grandkids. The world is changing too fast to leave dinosaurs in charge. I bet that's one Amendment we could still get through even as divided as the nation is right now. Most could agree on that.
From the other side of the large pond I understand your desire for term limits for members of Congress. To be facetious I could point out that term limits is another word for elections :)

Getting rid of the US very extensive gerrymandering and introduce something like Ranked Choice Voting could go a long way to reduce the advantage of incumbents and have some real rotation among the members of Congress.

In general, I'm quite wary of introducing term limits for Congress or Parliaments that more or less reflects popular wills, but that is of course very much dependent on the particular system of government a country has.


Seriously, I have no life.
I hear ya. Of course, they comprise a very small proportion of the population, compared with the US, but they are here.
Is that by % of population as we have about 10x larger population.


Seriously, I have no life.
.... Here in America where I live there are several dance studios that cater to preteens and teens. I have 3 Granddaughters, when I first ran across that show "Cuties" on Netflix after about 5 minutes of watching it made me sick to my Stomach to see how the Blind adults acted in that show. ..
Not sure how many here remembers JonBenet Ramsey case. Existed way back then in the 1990s. Where are the parents?


Seriously, I have no life.
I'd rather move forward at 5 MPH than reverse at 30. I also doubt Biden would simply ignore the disease that will have claimed nearly a quarter million Americans by election day. ...
Election? Hell, he cannot do anything if elected before Jan 20. That is a good 100 days? 300k most likely. And, even then, you don't turn on a dime, it ain't roller-skating. :D
I am a huge proponent of term limits for Congress.
That is a whole different conversation by itself. ;)


Seriously, I have no life.
On the topic of child/sex trafficking, there are lots of people who claim to be trying to eliminate it; however, I don't understand why no one seems to be targeting the market!
Well, it is easier to go after the kingpin I think than all the users. No king pin, not many users still getting serviced.

The users should be shamed in public and prosecuted as well as they can be.
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Audioholic Warlord
Not the popular vote count but the Electoral College. ;) And, of course with Russia's help.
The Electoral College has flunked. It should undergo major revision, or better yet, be eliminated.

Too often, I've heard the Electoral College defended because it is said to protect the voice & opinions of the minority from the so called dictatorship tyranny of the majority. What a bunch of BS! Where in the US Constitution does it say that the minority rules over the majority?
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