Excellent article!!
When people say they hear a difference in cables, they really do. Not because there actually IS a difference, but because their mind creates one. I dont see anything wrong with people experiencing this if it helps them enjoy the hobby more. Let the free market dictate what products are available. If enough people want to buy a piece of gear regardless of it measuring badly to keep a company profitable, so be it. I dont see the harm in leaving choices for people even if they arent ones we would choose.
I think the idea that the entire industry will go to crap and be overran by bad measuring gear and moon crystals is kind of silly. There will always be those that seek out great measurements and those that dont care as much.
If a product measures badly but people like how it sounds, what right does anyone have to demand that product be "fixed" or taken off the market?
Dont mis-understand me, I think your work here and the rest of the work of Audioholics on this matter is great. I just fail to understand the reason for some people to take it and beat people over the head with it.
Not saying you're doing that, just saying it happens a lot all over the place.