UN-Official Formula 1 Thread



Audioholic Ninja
I agree.

Don't get me wrong, MS will always be the best and it was great to watch him in action. But you just always knew he was going to win, he was just that good. I really love watching now because it's anybody's game.
Funny thing though, I remember some of the critics of F1 pointing to MS as the reason F1 could never compete against NASCAR, saying that F1 wasn't as challenging, that it was all car, that any monkey with a good crew could win, now some of the so-called expert/critics are actually acknowledging the genius that MS is.


Well, its official, the only American in F1, Scott Speed, has been booted out by managment. Apparently they are unhappy with his driving rather than improving a bad car. This is surprising as he has been outperforming his teamate Vitantonio Liuzzi by a decent margin. He has been replaced by young Sebastian Vettel former BMW test driver and member of Red Bull's driver development program. :mad:



Audioholic Ninja
That stinks, this kid has promise. I wonder where he'll end up? Here or in Europe.


Funny thing though, I remember some of the critics of F1 pointing to MS as the reason F1 could never compete against NASCAR, saying that F1 wasn't as challenging, that it was all car, that any monkey with a good crew could win, now some of the so-called expert/critics are actually acknowledging the genius that MS is.
Isn't that the truth. He was capable of doing manuvers that no other driver could possibly execute. I'm curious how the rest of the season will turn out.


Audioholic Ninja
Isn't that the truth. He was capable of doing manuvers that no other driver could possibly execute. I'm curious how the rest of the season will turn out.
Speaking of genius, the one MS is usually compared to is Fangio. I heard the same story on different occasions from different sources, that Fangio would place a coin on the track (as he walked the track before the race) and during the race he knew the exact spot where he had marked, so this helped him gauge track condition or location of bumps, etc. I don't know if this is true or an urban myth, but one thing is true: Fangio was a genius and so is MS, they'll be sorely missed on the track.


Been awhile since I posted here. Mainly due to my continued disappointment with Ferrari and Kimi Raikkonen.

Let's face it. The Monza circuit is the one place where Ferrari should have won hands down. Last few years you'd expect a McLaren to break the suspension in both cars during a race .........but not Ferrari.


Audioholic Spartan
Been awhile since I posted here. Mainly due to my continued disappointment with Ferrari and Kimi Raikkonen.

Let's face it. The Monza circuit is the one place where Ferrari should have won hands down. Last few years you'd expect a McLaren to break the suspension in both cars during a race .........but not Ferrari.

:(I'm with ya brother.:(


I hear you both. Ferrari was just not there this week. I feel they will be much better off at Spa though. McLarceny was quick in Canada and the US I was worried about Monza as I figured they would be fast there too. Ferrari did well to make up the gap since the US and Canada though. The one stopper would have played out much better had Kimi not had a sore neck and the car not being so fragile on the curbs.

At this point, I am rooting for Alonso over Hamilton. I do not think that Kimi can make up 18 points in 4 rounds. He would need catastrophy to strike both drivers (McLarceny) in at least two of the rounds and get wins in all four.

I don't want to see Ferrari win both championships by McLarceny being Dq'ed. I would like to see them storm back in the next 4 rounds. Then have McLarceny Dq'ed.


As much as I would like to I can't take credit for that. I got it from one of the boys at the Speed TV f1 forums. The boards have been blowing up for days with spy scandal news, rumors, and bs. A couple threads were well over 20 pages long.

I just hope the truth comes out and appropriate action is taken. I just wish it didn't taint the championship, but you can't have it any other way.

If there is indeed new evidence that McLaren has used Ferrari information on their car they should be stripped of the titles. It stinks because the season has been close. However, when it comes at the expense of cheating, I would rather have a runaway season.


Well McLarceny is eliminated from the constuctor's championship and was fined $100 million. However, the drivers do not lose anything! :eek::rolleyes:

They are using a car that benefitted from stolen data, yet are allowed to keep their points. It just doesn't make any sense. I am guessing this is because the FIA granted the drivers immunity for their cooperation.

I would like to see all that was presented at the hearing.


Audioholic Ninja
Well McLarceny is eliminated from the constuctor's championship and was fined $100 million. However, the drivers do not lose anything! :eek::rolleyes:

They are using a car that benefitted from stolen data, yet are allowed to keep their points. It just doesn't make any sense. I am guessing this is because the FIA granted the drivers immunity for their cooperation.

I would like to see all that was presented at the hearing.
Great! Hopefully this won't tarnish the sport, they should be fined and then banned for a year. You know F1 portrays itself as the primo racing championship, almost a bit snobbish, so this can be a humbling experience and a good one at that. The drivers should also be included in the punishment it's a team effort, when the drivers win the team wins, when the team loses the drivers lose. They shouldn't be allowed to get any points when the car driven was winning due to stolen data.


Full Audioholic
...the drivers do not lose anything! They are using a car that benefitted from stolen data, yet are allowed to keep their points. It just doesn't make any sense.
Maybe the drivers were unaware of the facts. :confused:


I would have liked for McLarceny to get suspended from racing for say twelve races. This way they'd pay for it this season and next. The drivers wouldn't get any more points, the team would still have to pay them and other teams would get a chance to improve.

$100 million fine for companies like McLaren is really a joke.

I want multiple race suspensions!!!!! :mad:


Maybe the drivers were unaware of the facts. :confused:
This is seeming doubtful as they were offered immunity for testimony and emails. Bogus if you ask me. We should find out tomorrow as details will be released.


I would have liked for McLarceny to get suspended from racing for say twelve races. This way they'd pay for it this season and next. The drivers wouldn't get any more points, the team would still have to pay them and other teams would get a chance to improve.

$100 million fine for companies like McLaren is really a joke.

I want multiple race suspensions!!!!! :mad:
That is actually a really good idea. :)


I wonder what punishment Renault is going to recieve for actually implamenting and using in races this year the cooling system and other systems stolen from Mclaren by one of Mclarens desginers who left to work for Renault. also I wonder why nothing was done to Toyota after former Ferrari employees went to work for Toyota and were later convicted in a court of law for stealing the whole desgin of the 2003 car from Ferrari. that years Toyota was almost a virtual knockoff.


There is no substantiated proof yet about the Renault case. Though that could prove to be very interesting.

The two Ferrari defectors that helped Toyota are sitting in an Italian jail. Did that info really help Toyota at all? :) I see where you are coming from though.


Audioholic Ninja
Yeah Toyota should have been taken to task for their role. Maybe since they got convictions on the two guys the FIA let it go. Remember there's a LOT of politics in F1, like everything else it's a business and you can't get rid of all your clientele.;):D

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