Awarded to whom?
Surely not the leftist sieve that you call “truth”?
Try a mirror once when you barf about conservative media. Have you even watched any? Probably too busy copying left sided(useless) politico links.
Ever heard of tunnel vision?
Awarded to you. Killer journalism.

Michael Medved, Rush, Hannity, Gorka, late night Sunday guy that yelled a lot, Michael Levine yelled so much he made Trump sound peaceful and calm and respectable, Dennis Prager till the PragerU barf. Quite a bit in the 2010s really till I had to give it up cause it's such fake nonsense. I caught Alex Jones at the right time. Real early before he went bonkers, or maybe he always was? Seemed sensible at the time. Tried Tucker Carlson once where I nailed my body into the chair and forced myself for 60 minutes. I figured he was lying at a 90% clip. Only Jones might surpass him. Almost all the nonsense reporting is on the right. The caricatures, rage. It has to be f--king LOUD, yanno. I'll stick with BBC and NPR. Calm and soothing vs the utter crap and noise of conservative pollution. Even the early morning slots Michael ____ can't remember his name now. He came on before I dunno Prager I think. A bunch of crap. The toilet level stuff is
conservative influencers, nat'l conservative radio, X's conspiracy gobbledegook side,
NY Post, Faux primetime (Ingraham, Hannity, Waters), etc. Right in those areas it's pretty bad, and they take up a significant amount of the conservative spaces. Michael Medved might have been the best of the bunch. He was conservative, but kinda charming and not a lord helmet. But in '16 when he said on radio "Just let the left have the election" that was the end. He was referring to Trump would create more problems for the party than it was worth it. So anyhow that was the end of his national time slot. Hugh Hewitt is sorta ok but also sorta crap. Even the evening radio slots are poop. Can't think of that guy. He's angry, but it's like he's got some neurosis or hyper intake of caffeine LOL. A lot of it is just rage though. Even most on the right won't listen to it. They know there news is unreliable garbage in a number of spaces as mentioned. There's very little if any experts brought in cause it's such utter nonsense. Why? Cause experts tell the truth.
My bad. 2000s is when I listened to quite a bit of conservative radio especially. I remember Hannity's
you big fat dummy!!! To a caller. Mmkay, jackass. That's enough of that. Actually I rarely listened to Rush. I'm sure he had some good points, but his ego was so big it was impossible for me to get through the ego fog.