Many of us have broken relationships with food. I am uncertain how much of this is a direst result of the Standard American Diet (SAD) or a complete personal and societal disconnect from a reality and understanding of what Wellness means.
My late HS and Early College years were spent dodging and hiding from some chronic gut issues. Eventually "diagnosed" as Esophagitis and Gastritis. After getting scoped on both ends, they found a red spot in my duodenum and called it an inflamation responsible for overproducing stomach acid and dumping it wholesale into my lower GI.
They put me on an acid blocker (Prevacid) and an opioid (Lomotil) and told me to carry on.
It worked. Symptoms treated I carried on.
Good job Western Medicine! 
After leaving school and moving to CA, my health insurance changed and they wouldn't allow me to stay on the original Acid blocker that worked and put me on something else that didn't. Everything broke down again.
I ended up going to an Acupuncturist who had been an RN previously. After telling her the story, she is the first person to ever ask:
"What do you eat?"
No western doc aver asked that... just told me to eat pills every day.
That visit changed everything.
I changed my diet and got better. It wasn't overnight and I still struggle with making the right choices. The good news is that minor transgressions now don't result in crippling GI Pain.
Depending on how you are with big books,
@Steve81 , you may find
Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford a useful resource. It helped me out many years ago. I still have it on my shelf.