

Audioholic Warlord
So heres a pic of two new additions to my system. Sorry theres only one pic, but excitement got the best of me, so no pre-hook up shots.
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Audioholic Warlord
Just for reference, now that I have a moment. The receiver is an onkyo TX-NR 3009 and the bottom silver thing is an APC S15. Took delivery Friday and Saturday, and only got to hooking them up today. So far so good. :)


Audioholic Warlord
I know I know....awful. I was out of town though visiting some friends. In hindsight I should have just told them to come over so I didn't have to leave my poor new toys in their boxes :(

I mean they could have suffocated or overheated :eek:


Audioholic Warlord
I know, what can I say? The little guy is an over achiever :p


Audioholic Slumlord
What did the Onkyo replace and do you plan to throw some additional cooling at it? How come you chose it considering the known/suspected/rumored HDMI issues they're having. Just curious ... not trying to be a prick. :eek:

BTW, I'm jealous so that automatically means you suck. :p :D


Audioholic Warlord
Bah, I didn't think you were being a prick at all. Valid questions. I definitely plan on doing some additional cooling. I've been researching for awhile how I want to go about it. I'm thinking double or quadruple fans on top, probably 120mm. I was originally going to get a pioneer SC-57, but the dealer I was going through (who was giving me one heck of a deal which convinced me to upgrade at all) couldn't get a new shipment. I went snooping around and got word through the grapevine that pioneer was already starting to phase out the SC-57 and has unofficially discontinued it.

So when I informed the guy/company I was dealing with he told me that, that explained a lot. So he offered me the 3009 at minimal increase in price. The price was too good to say no, plus he gave me a 30 day in home trial for all the trouble he put me through with the pioneer. Needless to say, I wasn't about to turn that deal down.

It's replacing a Marantz SR5006.

So far I'm as impressed with the APC as I am with the Onkyo. Both are doing their job and they look pretty to boot.

Haha if you saw the rest you wouldn't be jealous.


Audioholic Warlord
Sell you what? The onkyo or the Marantz?

Marantz......perhaps. Onkyo......Get outta here, no chance. I'm moving this 50+ lb beast as little as possible. Between the APC and the Onkyo I added 120lbs to my setup.


Audioholic Jedi
I was kidding about Alex looking to buy the Marantz for cheap now that it's been replaced. :)


Audioholic Warlord
Haha, I get now.....doiii

Stupid internet is rotting my brain making me read too fast and apparently miss some important details :eek::rolleyes:


Audioholic Slumlord
Adam wasn't really kidding.

I'm always curious about the deals to be had on used gear even if I'm not in the market ... yet.

I looked up the Marantz and saw a couple of things that interested me ... for later ... maybe.


Audioholic Warlord
Haha, well it's still here.......for now.......I think :p


Audioholic Warlord
Thanks man. It's huge, when I look at it compared to the marantz it looks twice as big (even though it's not) but it is literally twice as heavy

Marantz is to fiat as onkyo 3009 is to...........hummer? Tank? :eek:


Audioholic Warlord
Sorry Alex, got an offer for the Marantz. It may be finding a new home soon. :)


Audioholic Warlord
New fans just arrived today. Pretty sweet for $20 bucks. Obviously needs a bit of tweaking. The stands need to come off and some rubber pads are in order, but they work well so far and I love the fact that they come with an adjustment knob.
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Audioholic Ninja
Congrats on the new additions. Have fun setting up the Onkyo :).

Fire the fans puling air up and out rather than blowing into the Onkyo. It will make for better circulation and more efficient cooling.


Audioholic Warlord
It may be hard to see but they are pulling air up. Night and day difference though, the onk is easily 20+degrees cooler. I actually just ordered a third fan, those two are 80 x 80 and the newer one is going to be 120 x 120.

Thanks, it was a lot of fun to play with, still getting used to it. Very cool though, no buyers remorse for me (so far).

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