Imagine that...
No, I'm not talking about Harrry's father. I'm talking about the guy whose TV show in the 50's and 60's most likely had a lot to do with some of us old farts getting hooked on science and the like.
They don't make 'em like him anymore.
...a tee-vee show that made you think! Of course, there are some prerequisites on the part of the viewer for such a show to work and nowadays, uh...I remember watching faithfully, I think it was Saturday mornings.
But, "toys" were different too...Way more educational than the current stuff...Building blocks, Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs...things like that caused you to imagine in a positve manner IMO and stimulated creativity. Erector sets, chemistry sets...and heck, I had a hand-me-down, three-power microscope when I was eight or nine...endlessly fascinating how a piece of tissue or a really thin slice of potato looked under that level of magnification...Did someone say gyroscope?
Now it seems to be how many laser-totin' mechanical lizards can you zap?
jimHJJ(...and then, of course, there were crystal radios, etc...)