So I ended up finding out about this cheap Ikea option, which I really don't like personally, but it is functional. Didn't realize how small it was in the shelf area though, my 7012 has to sit on top of the cabinet, which isn't a big deal, just not really what I wanted. It was also $180, vs the $2500 one I want from Salamander (in time probably). But now I have two issues.
The problem now is that the center is pretty low. I have an extra 6.5 inches or so (insert joke from wife) below the TV to the center channel. I want to raise it up a bit but all the stands I see are like 12"+. Does anyone know of a good option, other than books, to raise the speaker up a bit? A quick google search didn't bring up any reasonable options for a 42lb center. I did see a riser from monoprice that is a couple inches, so that could work.
The next issue is that the center is always low, even when I previously had it covering the bottom part of the TV by a few inches. Would something like an angled riser wedge that would direct the tweeter more toward ear level be a better option?
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