I have a vintage radio. A Crosby built around 1936. I went to the trouble years ago to replace all the bad caps, get replacement tubes, etc. and had it work, not great, but had it working. Then while on a business trip my then roommates cranked my stereo up and blew out the speakers. In their infinite wisdom they took the huge speaker out of radio, hooked it up behind the stereo and thought I would be fooled into thinking everything was fine. What they didn't realize was that the old speakers didn't have magnets, they had fields. As a result the speaker didn't do a thing and they didn't even put the speaker back. Came home to find only one tweeter working out of two 3-2ays and two 2-ways. Of course they shrugged their shoulders and said they didn't know what happened. I stil have the radio but never bothered getting to work again. It has one of those "tuning eyes" on it...way cool.