A news report isn't proof, unless it contains the info that caused the accusations and since someone's tax return can't be made public, we won't see it but he does look like crap in the article.
You wrote that you never advocated for his removal- so, what's the point, trying to get others to see that he's a turd? What we need is the ability to prosecute an incumbent POTUS. I have heard "Nobody is above the Law" all of my life- what a load of shyte that is.
The DNC and GOP need to see that we hate this process and they're doing a shytti job of forcing candidates on us. Last time, the GOP rolled out a clown car and this time, it was the DNC. It's almost like the saying "Throw something at the wall and see what sticks".
Trump, instead of repeating the "fake news" nonsense he tosses out when news reports are unfavourable, could easily refute the NYT article by simply releasing his tax forms. The fact that he continues to refuse says a lot.
As far as I can tell, it isn't the GOP or DNC forcing any candidates upon the electorate. The electorate chooses the candidates through primaries, don't they?
Are you saying Biden is the DNC equivalent to Trump? While probably not the ideal candidate, I can't see him being anything less than an improvement over Trump.
He'll likely listen to experts in the administration.
He won't cozy up to dictators, while alienating allies.
He'll likely bring some stability to the office, by not continuously hiring and firing.
He doesn't need to be Washington, Lincoln or FDR - all he needs to do, is demonstrate a
modicum of competence and it'll be an improvement.