rj22 said:
I would really appreciate some advise.
I am planning to build speakers cables consisting of three runs per channel.
1 x 12 gauge copper run for the woofers, 1 x 16 gauge copper run for the mids and 1 x 20 gauge solid silver for the tweeters. The cables will be 10 foot long each side.
My only concern is will the amplifiers signal hit the drivers all at the same time or will i have severe phase shift i think the term is due to the different cable thickness and material
any advice appreciated before assembly commences.
Speakers are Tri Wirable Linn Espeks
You have come to the right place in audioland
As you can gather from the other posts, you are creating a problem where none exists. Tri-wiring is really silly unless you have active crossovers and amps for each driver.
And, silver is over rated in audio with a 6% gain in conductivity. Going from 14ga to 12ga copper wire gives you a 20% increase in conductivity and is less expensive.
Using 20 ga makes no sense as well. No good reson for it: forget the skin effect as an audible factor.
In the end, that 12ga or 14 ga, and even 16ga for a 10ft run is more than sufficient. Don't forget, audio has its own myths, bs, and voodoo in the closet.