

Audioholic General
I am not a fan of the CD format, unless it is a Digital Compact Classics (DCC) issue.

Steve Hoffman at DCC does (or did?) their own re-mastering with original first generation masters and then they go the extra mile if at all possible to emulate the original studio’s environment with same models mixing board, amps and speakers, etc.

Toga Rock (1987) and Toga Rock 2 (1989) are two DCC CD’s I used to own but sold them when I was broke 25 years ago. I just re-acquired both of them. Take a look at the impressive track listing. 30 total songs from the 1960’s. So much fun to listen to these, especially if you appreciate good mastering and have a decent set-up at home.

If you happen to seek these out, be aware that the original release of the first one, Toga Rock, is not mastered by DCC. You do not want the Dunhill issue. The back of the cover clearly shows the DCC logo on the 2nd and 3rd issues. Toga Rock 2 was only (as far as I can tell) only put out by DCC.

I consider these CD’s collectables even though easily obtainable.




Audioholic General
Six-page insert with each release has a short synopsis of each track. Why I ever sold my original ones is a mystery. I do have better equipment now, so they have never sounded better!

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis