Thanks for this link, I did not know that about the ESS 9281Pro chip. I like to think I didn't give any absolutes on MQA itself. While I found the controversy fascinating, diving into it went beyond the scope of the review, and I just didn't have time to get into both sides. That's why I quoted Beekhuyzen. Knowing he'd be controversial, I referred to him as an MQA "booster", he was obviously a true believer and only represented one side.
I'd be glad to do a follow-up on MQA. It looks like MQA-enabled dongles are growing with that ESS microcontroller, and I do like to keep up on portable sound. But I'd need to learn more about Archimago's perspective. His views on MQA seem to be shared by other well-known figures in audio that I quite respect, like the owner of Schiit. I found an interview with him on the con-side of MQA and I would have liked to have found a quotable with facts but wasn't able to in time for this review.
In his article Archimago says: "Onyx uses to provide a turnkey MQA data lock and filtering mechanism which is what they mean by "rendering".
I need to learn more about this, perhaps for a follow-up on MQA and the Codec article I did in 2019, but I didn't intend to give any sort of full-throated support for MQA itself. But for Onyx, I just see it as an option, it doesn't seem to hold it back or force the cost up beyond anything reasonable (it's actually $100 less than competing product). But it's interesting that the ESS DAC chip might be using MQA to cover-up other inadequacies.
Thanks again. There's no gauntlet on my side, it makes me want to learn more about it.