I have a very solid and powerful Marantz AV Receiver. I've also had the NHT Super Ones for a long time but always wanted to upgrade to the NHT Music Series 1.5's. Of course time has flown by and the company isn't what it used to be, and they don't make them anymore. But I've recently come across a pair used online for a decent price.
The thing is, I'm not sure if it's worth it to buy speakers that are nearly ten years old. I worry about things like the rubber surrounds on the woofer being worn down.
I did actually just upgrade my system with a great deal on the Energy RC-10's. They're fine speakers and all, but when I got them what disappointed me was that they really didn't sound that much different or better than the Super One's!
I have contacted the seller and he assures me that the pair he is selling sounds good and have been well taken care of, you just never know what your getting when your buying used.
But I really have always wanted those speakers and, the longer time goes on, the less chance of ever finding a pair for sale.