After a painstaking period between placing the down payment, making final choices about mounting equipment and accessories, etc., sending the check, and waiting on delivery... My beautiful babies finnally arrived this weekend.
Anthony Gallo Acoustic Reference 3.1's with matching Reference center. They showed up Friday and I had to wait until today for my brother to come help unbox them and help me get everything set up. I'm hearing them pump out in the other room now... sigh, what a sound. I'm quite pleased with them so far and when I actually have time to calibrate everything thing its going to be heaven.
The rest of my equipment should be delivered early next week, the rear speakers (AGA A'Diva Ti sattelites), secondary Component amplifier to bi-amp the second coil in the main speakers, and all of the appropriate mounting accessories. I can hardly wait now. I guess its time to place an order for the Rives CD so I have everything for next week end to calibrate the whole thing. God bless this addiction of ours... remember, rehab is for quitters... I'm just getting started.
Once I have everything set up I'll post my inital reactions about the set. In case anyone is curious.