Well, after she got home last night, I just grabbed her, said lets go out for drinks and a nice meal before we discuss the new additions. In the end, she really wasnt mad, she said I just should have discussed it with her first. I asked her what she would have said and she said, "I would have told you no".
Today, she made a comment that the new speakers sound really nice and she thinks they look good.
My local dealer that I use for all my gear bought my 40's back from me at full MSRP which is more than I paid for them over a year ago. All in all, I was paid about 300 bucks to use his 40's for the year!
I was able to A/B the speakers and yes, the 100's are fuller in the midrange and play much lower. They really seem to fill out my big room a lot better and seem more detailed. I am still playing around with the set up but they seem pretty good with a small amount of toe-in and crossed over at 60hz. I have listened to them mostly without the sub today and they play deep and even vibrate my couch quite a bit. Movie testing will be tonight with Master and Commander on BD.